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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Struck me as rather strange too, Zappa. It should be pointed out that Laxey were also reported to be on board a year ago. Look how that turned out for King and company.
  2. Nothing was coming out today because last Friday was the announcement date! And where did that inside info come from? That's right, Scottyboy_1 from FF.
  3. I wouldn't imagine that King would want them anywhere near it. His plans to oust them, their handlers and/or Ashley won't be conducive to cordial discussion.
  4. The guy on Twitter is mooching about Ibrox and has deducted that something is definitely going down because.....Charles Paterson is also hanging around!
  5. You know me, I will argue over anything. It is that type of thing which rips my knitting, gunny. Things are bad enough without the need for scaremongering, especially when they are repeated here, there and everywhere and soon become fact. If funds are needed prior to the AGM, the proposed offer from King won't remedy that.
  6. For reasons known only to you, you completely ignored the following: I am neither pro/anti where King is concerned, and until he actually comes out with a detailed plan of what he intends to do, I fail to see how anyone who has been involved in this whole circus can be. My problem is with the spin and bullshit.
  7. Strange in what way? Point me to where I stated anything which suggested that I wasn't aware of what King's plans entailed. This sorry saga has produced more than enough spin to last a hundred lifetimes. That remains true even if it is coming from 'the good guy' and his followers.
  8. That stance was needed a long time before now. Also, can we please desist from perpetuating this idea that King is offering a loan. It is a bid for a majority share, and without that being made available to him, the life-saving will not come from him.
  9. You quite obviously have no idea about the type of person Ashley is. He has no desire to be wined and dined by the great and the good. He is by all reports a pretty decent, extremely generous, down to earth bloke.....after hours.
  10. Don't compound your previous ill-judged comments by introducing even more on another topic.
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