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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Either way, it could be seen as a no-lose gamble for them at this time. King has now put himself, whether he likes it or not, in the position of saviour and will be expected to step up whenever he is needed. Those who wish to maximise their profit will be well aware of that.
  2. He's still there and there is very little to suggest that he will be forced out anytime soon. I would think that he will leave Rangers on his own terms.
  3. It has been reported as £10m, the same figure that Wallace was reputed to be looking for from city investors. That's not to say that any of it is true. I don't see where this idea of funding the club for 1-2 years comes from. The ST 'boycott' will largely disappear if promotion is secured this year and this will provide cash for another few months of stumbling.
  4. Well that means that their handlers have agreed to the deal, nothing to do with them doing what is best for the club.
  5. Law and Mohsni have already reacted to the crowd barracking them this season, so your comment appears to be rather ill-thought.
  6. Hasn't he already offered up a loan deal which was knocked back because of the conditions attached to it, or is that just King spin?
  7. Why? They are merely there to cast the vote that they are told to cast. Even if they both went rogue and voted to accept, the shareholders they represent would simply vote against it later.
  8. You have just perfectly illustrated why it would be lunacy on the part of Green and friends to allow this vote to go through now when struggling to the end of the season could bring further gorging. This current situation would be repeated when needed.
  9. McCoist is certainly winning the argument with his vocal detractors, so perhaps his players feel bulletproof too?
  10. Once again, it really doesn't matter what the board do. If they can't carry the required amount of shareholder support, King will withdraw his 'loan' offer.
  11. Keith Jackson tweeted something very interesting that I hadn't seen mentioned before. He stated that King is demanding that the Easdale group, Ashley and Laxey all have to be supportive or there is no deal. Seems impossible, if it is indeed true.
  12. Hence my point about the futility in having weeks of talks with two board members who saw that the writing was on the wall for them and went in search of a life raft. The board don't, by design, hold any power in all of this, so those two are especially lame ducks.
  13. I like Richard Wilson as a writer, but this piece was one which really didn't need to be written as everything has previously been covered. The one thing it does do is highlight the inertia after weeks of talks between King and the board in this latest episode of the soap opera that is Rangers.
  14. The post I quoted was from last Thursday and it didn't mention next week. The latest in a long line of fantasists.
  15. If you have the details to King's plans, share them with the group. All I have seen is a series of headline figures and nothing of substance. My only want is to see the removal of those who have overseen all that has gone on and any of them remaining on the scene is not an option. If you see that as nothing more than me being happy to criticise, so be it.
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