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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. I'm sorry, but that is pish. He even states in his statement that they are incapable of making decisions without first consulting the shareholders who they answer to. A poorly thought out strategy from where I am standing.
  2. Yes, he probably can, but he also knew that they were not who he had to do a deal with in order to pull it off.
  3. Agreed, which is all the more reason not to approach it arse about face by using Wallace and Nash, the lamest ducks on a lame duck board.
  4. It is petulant, and none of what he says is news to anyone who has followed this saga. He has been outmanoeuvred throughout the whole process and has failed to find solutions to surmount the obstacles which were staring him in the face. Yet another damp squib, I'm afraid.
  5. Tickets for the match v Alloa on November 15th are on sale with no warning being given that the match will inevitably be postponed until a later date.
  6. Is that your friend Alice in the background of that photo?
  7. The implications of a change of CEO and financial consultant will be uppermost in their minds.
  8. That dramatic scenario would also spell trouble for King as he would, unfairly in my view, be attacked for not doing something before it was too late. This has been a masterpiece in the art of making money and it's architects command a certain amount of grudging respect for how they have gone about it.
  9. Let's take your post as fact. If he can spot those deficiencies, he should also be able to spot that his assistants have not improved said player. If he does nothing to change things over a period of years, then he carries the can.
  10. They will only be persuaded to let go when the alternative is more rewarding for them. The best that King can hope for is for there to be a squabble amongst thieves and for one or more to break rank and give him the percentage that he needs. Slim chance of that happening this far down the track.
  11. Many believe that has been his plan all along. The cynical view would be that he knows that this is doomed to failure but he must be seen to be doing something. I'm still very much undecided on what his motives are.
  12. Those in charge have only one objective - taking money out, not putting it in. The trials and tribulations of the football side of things are only of importance if they impact on the bottom line. A non-existent DoF doesn't cost a bean, but the mention of one looks good to the gullible. But you already know all this.
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