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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. That's a story from a tabloid newspaper. You won't hear those words uttered by Ashley or any of his spokesmen.
  2. Charles Green was the link between them all, and still is.
  3. Well, you know that I have been saying that for over two years now, but King was being put forward as the man with the plan.
  4. There could be an offer of £160m on the table, but if it's conditions cannot be met, it isn't worth a penny.
  5. It is crazy that you still need to post the above after everything that has gone on previously.
  6. Perhaps I am being too cynical, but it looked like the whole thing was all about how it would be perceived by the support, rather than a serious attempt at bringing about any immediate change. I do agree with you that he has little control over what he will be allowed to do. One other thing, and it may only be viewed as an insignificant, but would an appearance at Bayview on Tuesday night not have been a better way of rallying the troops than taking a trip to Anfield for a glamour CL tie the following evening?
  7. If you find it strange, that's an affirmation that everyone else is calling it right.
  8. Oh, I don't disagree, but the question should still be asked, even if only to prove that it is the sham which many of us believe.
  9. He doesn't even need to be good enough to get a game, simply being available is sufficient. An onerous contract which Wallace can't blame on the 'old' board. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
  10. There are a dozen members on the Fan Board who, if the club is genuine about openness, should be able to get the definitive answer to this within the hour.
  11. I'm not knocking Dave King for trying to do something, just the way he has gone about it. What have you done to help release the club from shysters and self-interested profit makers?
  12. I agree wholeheartedly with the second part of your post, but there would need to be alternative funding available to the board in order for them to be forced to choose. If, as expected, the board do accept the current King proposal and it gets knocked back by the shareholders, he would need to return with another offer.
  13. The details of the proposed deal have little bearing on anything unless they are seen as appealing by those who are holding all the aces, but they are not interested in any level of share dilution, and why would they be when they hold all the power. As long as there is more to be made from hanging on to what they have, that is what they will do. Other than a bit of PR pugilism, very little appears to have changed from the beginning of the season and his ST stunt. Will he now disappear from the scene for another few months, leaving the rest up to the support again?
  14. He's returning to South Africa without winning anything. He will, once again, now rely on the support to starve them out, a strategy which has so far failed to alter the thinking of those out to milk as much as they can.
  15. I'm not talking about the machinations and niceties of the corporate world. Without the required amount of shareholders getting behind his plan, what the board did was irrelevant.
  16. I don't have any sources of info, and have never claimed otherwise. I'm open to be educated on what is new, both in anything that he said, and what his clever strategy is.
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