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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Feel exactly the same. Thought that there was some hope that the support would turn on them in sufficient numbers to force them out, but that hasn't happened. That time may now have passed.
  2. He was living at Castle Grant at the end of last year, maybe even later, when he was verbally abused while shopping in an Inverness supermarket. No armed bodyguards were in tow.
  3. No chance. If Ashley tightens his grip any further, I will give up all hope and chuck it all.
  4. Oh, I have no doubt that it will be yet another on-message patsy - the pattern is there for all to see. Out on their arse once they have either outgrown their usefulness, outstayed their welcomeor are needed as a sacrificial lamb.
  5. Ashley wants shot because they jumped into bed with King. That doesn't excuse anything that Wallace did prior to that. No tears will be shed here when he departs with his pockets full of cash.
  6. I haven't seen anything from Wallace to suggest that he is the best of anything.
  7. Not sure about Nash as he was pretty invisible, but Wallace's long list of misdemeanours appear to have been pardoned for some reason.
  8. I know he won't walk without a big pay-off, but being described as a man of integrity does grate.
  9. McMurdo has published some new pro-Ashley shite, with this little gem as the highlight: He also has plenty of time to become a “Rangers man” and take the club to heart. Nice to see him joining in with today's 'return to 2012' theme!
  10. I can't see his involvement as anything other than a desperate delaying tactic on behalf of King.
  11. It's either for cash, another ego boost or he owes a favour to someone. Difficult one.
  12. His other man of integrity appears to be sitting tight.
  13. Aye, and he knew that Wallace and Nash would do the right thing. Oops!
  14. Vague recollection of a story that Green had promised a certain return from the IPO which didn't materialise. Might be shite.
  15. Nash resignation now confirmed. He wouldn't appear to have much confidence in King's 'deal still on' message. Wallace left standing there like a lemon.
  16. I expect limited funds will be made available in order to placate the fanbase after a few turbulent months. Spending it wisely is another matter altogether.
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