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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. He's flapping because his little hissy fit yesterday has been shown up for the hypocritical bollocks that it is. The level of conceitedness required to tell others how to spend their own money is fucking staggering, and all this while he himself refuses to attend games because of his hatred of McCoist.
  2. His personal hygiene is not a subject which I am able to comment on!
  3. Somers, James Easdale and Crighton.
  4. Not the wee fanny one. Not sure where it was that I saw it, but as I said, 'rumoured to be'.
  5. You have stated that you won't be back until McCoist is gone. It's a bit rich turning on others for doing similar. Then again, you have managed to delude yourself that your own particular boycott is different.
  6. That was where I saw that figure too! Cheers, Zappa. Thought that I had imagined it.
  7. And spellings of his surname. Wasn't that Insiderman Twitter account rumoured to be Andrew Dickson?
  8. You may not be far wrong. My point was that they are allies of some sort, whether they are puppets or not. I don't know the ins and outs of how these funds work.
  9. I have never criticised any individual for continuing to fund them, it is their money, their choice. I have made calls on here for the regime to be starved out, but I am well aware of how insignificant that gesture is. I have found my own particular solution to the situation, however unpalatable that is, others will need to do likewise. Nobody will make the wrong choice.
  10. He picks and chooses what to say and when to say it. His antics at the press conference a few weeks back were pathetic.
  11. You may view my argument as ridiculous, but at least it is consistent. You have flip-flopped back and forth that many times that you now appear to have confused yourself.
  12. I stopped giving them any money which they could siphon off. I'm sure others took a stand in some way. What did you do that made any difference?
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