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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Bizarre statements are now becoming the norm with this crew.
  2. Largely immaterial now, I would suggest.
  3. Once he has secured what he wants, if he hasn't already done so, he will have little interest in what happens to Rangers as a football club. He knows that some mug will come in and bankroll it's existence while he coins it in from the type of market stall merchandise that SDM spent so much time and money on trying to eradicate.
  4. We should all adopt a 'wait and see' attitude where Mr Ashley is concerned. Remember, it was the last lot who oversaw our current predicament.
  5. How much will he trouser for this pretence? Will he be due a wee bonus if he can somehow manage to find a couple of suitable executives to join the board?
  6. I made no mention of a conspiracy. If you are going to comment at all, at least keep to what was actually said.
  7. Oh, I know exactly what it is about. It's the SNP and Police Scotland flexing their muscles with a nice show trial. Now, why don't you explain your previous point.
  8. My Dad's cousin, admittedly not as the result of singing. What point did you think you were making?
  9. Explain how spending months prosecuting individuals for singing a song is a good use of public money.
  10. What the fuck are you talking about? How does any of that tired, clichéd nonsense relate to a daft young boy winding people up on social media?
  11. Which will result in even more Rangers fans getting caught in the tit for tat crossfire....more lives ruined to satisfy the bloodlust of sad wee folk like yourself who are making the jobs of the coppers and the SNP legislators even easier.
  12. As moronic as the original tweet was, does the guys stupidity really merit him losing his job and attracting the attention of the police?
  13. Putting the subject matter to one side - what a fucking nonsense! A complete waste of money and resources by the police and the judiciary.
  14. Are the numerous reported sightings of Craig Houston at nigh on every match untrue? How have the Union Bears given up supporting the team? Why should someone who boycotted the game last night, but has been at every other one this season, be barred from getting a SF ticket?
  15. The latest gem when discussing a possible LC semi final against Celtic..... With 'they' being the UoF, SoS and all those that have aligned themselves with them in boycotting games, merchandise etc.
  16. It turns out that you were correct. 1.9m shares were traded in three batches on Friday. Only shown as share trades yesterday.
  17. Should an elected representative only speak for those who voted for them and to fuck with the rest? Interesting concept. To repeat, I formed an opinion based on what I read. At no point did I say that it was fact. They can say whatever they please, something which I made perfectly clear in my previous post.
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