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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Thanks for the PM, Mr Hemdani. Most intriguing!
  2. That, to me, is the root of the problem. I don't have any 'Rangers-haters' as mates, so I really couldn't give a fuck what they think. My thoughts are solely with the hundreds of good bluenoses that I have met over the years, and the millions which I haven't. They are the ones who have been left disappointed and disgusted by what has gone on over a period of years. If anyone is desperate enough to need a legal liferaft in order to put on a brave face to their Celtic pals, whether real or cyber, then they really do not understand what being a Ranger was all about.
  3. I concur. His reasoning for making that statement will be most illuminating.
  4. When used in context with what was stated, the question is neither stupid nor irrelevant. Your intervention however....
  5. It's all too easy to just say that everything is still there and that it just needs the correct people to put them back in their rightful place, but that ignores the behaviour of a large percentage of the support in all of this. They have generally accepted what has been going on with blithe ignorance, either as a show of bravado towards those who ridiculed them, or simply because a trip to Ibrox had become a habit and another leisure pursuit. Things have been lost that can never be recovered.
  6. It was, yes, but it still held some standards. There had been a gradual erosion over the years, especially under SDM, but there was a major change from Whyte onwards.
  7. You have failed to understand quite a bit of what was going on in connection to Rangers, so it comes as no surprise that you wouldn't feel any affinity with the thoughts of someone 'old school' like Findlay. Probably a generational thing, so it may be an unfair criticism.
  8. It is plain to see that you failed to understand what was said, but did you even bother to read the article? His view, and that of many other Bears who have watched the team for years, is not about what the law says, that argument is one used in the petty, inane bickering between Rangers and Celtic fans, mainly on social media. He is pointing out what the Rangers of today represents compared to what it did in earlier years. The difference is there for all to see, and much of it was also expertly described in Frankie's piece.
  9. Wise words from Mr Findlay. No doubt the 'it was proven in law' brigade will shortly be getting wired into him for daring to speak his mind.
  10. I don't have a master-plan, just an opinion, so instead of sniping, dude, why don't you explain to me where I went wrong in what I said?
  11. It was a £40k purchase, pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things. If you want to think that it's somebody making a move on Ashley and chums, batter on.
  12. I wouldn't tell anyone how they should spend their money, and Dave King is no different. I have disagreed with how he went about things, but I really do believe that the war was lost long before Dave King was in a position to do anything meaningful. This has been a con which was long in the planning.
  13. Not the first time that I have heard a tale which involved intimidation, Greenock and the name Easdale. A coincidence, I'm sure.
  14. You were the one who engaged in dialogue with me. The beginning of my first post clearly laid out my position on the matter. If you really want to return to these allegations, my credentials can be vouched for, both Rangers and Loyalist related, by at least two people on this board. Can you do likewise? This isn't the first time that I have made this offer to you. Put up or shut up.
  15. Why are you linking the Terrorism Act to this case? Are you in possession of information which hasn't been reported in the mainstream media?
  16. Because he has unscrupulous allies who acquired enough shares to manipulate the boardroom and award little favours to their pals. All for a finders fee, of course.
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