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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. His beloved Hibees will struggle to go up at the first time of asking, so that may explain his silliness.
  2. The way it is normally done.....after all the Main Stand glitterati have had their fill.
  3. He was in the press at the tail end of last week doing his own bit of stirring prior to the draw even being made. It will all go off whether there are appeals for calm or everyone stokes the fire. It was always going to be that way.
  4. Apologies for the misunderstanding over what you meant by corporate speak.
  5. Certainly don't agree with that, and I wouldn't be putting any money on Forlanssister playing by those rules, although it is more likely than the chances of Ashley attending.
  6. I posted 'Highly unlikely' when another user asked a general question about whether it was the Empire striking back. In what way is that being an arse or a knob, and if you don't want to involve yourself in the non-football issues, why would you reply with 'Can you fill us all in?'
  7. I don't know when the other 2.9% was acquired, but then again, I didn't claim that I did. Neither myself nor Frankie made any comment on how long he had held the rest of his shareholding, and certainly made no mention of it being yonks. I don't have any opinion on the strangeness of him buying shares. Zappa agrees with me that Ralston's claim that the purchase of 2.375m shares was what triggered the LSE announcement. It wasn't, it was the purchase of 200k shares. Try sticking to the facts, sunshine.
  8. Look, I have told you what to do, and every time you have come over all shy.
  9. I'm far too long in the tooth for something like that to happen. That is now three of you who have had wee snide digs, yet tellingly, not one has has had any input into the topic of the thread. You get a wee bit back, and I'm the arse.
  10. I was being tactful for a change. I seem to be offending a few sensitive souls.
  11. There were only 13,000 seats sold for the QF during the week, so that will leave about 7,000 for Hampden which nobody has a legitimate claim over. Good luck to anyone who wants one, whatever bracket they fall under.
  12. Yes, mate, there have been quite a few big numbers since the departure of Nash and Wallace. I would still class the wording of Ralston's piece as iffy.
  13. Sandy Easdale claimed that there was an issue and legal moves were made to kill the deal. Where were these legal fees listed in the accounts?
  14. As I have already stated, I gave my opinion on the known facts. If other facts come out, I will then reconsider. You don't appear to have anything new to offer to the thread, so I will leave you to your hypocritical histrionics.
  15. That's how I understood it to be, Frankie. The purchase of 200,000 shares triggered the announcement, yet Ralston has chosen to turn it around the other way. Toxic-esque.
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