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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. It may have been an idea to close the top tier for the day in order to see the display at it's best.
  2. That was him in September when postponing the match against East Fife in the Kiddy On Cup. More faces than the town hall clock.
  3. McCoist in double standards shocker! I look forward to his comments on this, or will he do another 'pleading the fifth' presser?
  4. McCoist's obvious failings should be laid to one side for a minute and not be used as an excuse for the player. Templeton has the knack of looking pish on a pitch even when surrounded by sub-standard players, both in his own team and the opposition. A player, a Celtic-supporting one at that, who wouldn't have been given a second thought in all my time watching Rangers. Best bet would be to try and offload him somehow.
  5. That is what is important, not some ancient RST spat which is allowed to fester on FF, while being held up as his badge of honour on RM. Both are equally pathetic.
  6. I did try to get an answer from you before on this, but I do realise that you have been snowed under so may have missed it. Can you please explain to me why it matters whether a fan group has held an election or not. If there are spokesmen/leaders who their followers are happy with, does going through the formalities of a vote make that group any more relevant? While you're changing the minutes, why not go the whole hog and just name Houston and Graham in there? After all, that was the jist of this RM suggestion, one which you have already stated that you agree with.
  7. You imagine that Rangers would want to see the kid on fan groups swept aside, yet you still want to be a part of the RFB. That is a quite astonishing insight into how you have approached this. It really hasn't been a good couple of days for you, BH.
  8. You've been too busy watching out for BHEASTS conspiring to see what has been happening right under your nose.
  9. Sunday 30th November at 1245. Live on Sky.
  10. I would suggest that making something as obvious as that wouldn't be the type of silly mistake that would be made by an experienced PR strategist.
  11. Based on the LSE list published, the total number of shares traded within the 72 hours prior to the transaction which triggered the announcement was 2,109,768. That also includes that 200,000 trade. Even if all those shares were bought by the one person, there is still quite a shortfall on the 2.375m claim. It really is a moot point, though, as the only person who even mentioned that part of Ralston's article was you. I wouldn't claim that that constitutes proof, but it is the best I can come up with based on what information is out there. I would welcome any input if I have made an error in those calculations.
  12. Do you see why people are suspicious of the club's motives for setting up this body? That statement above shows that they want to limit discussions with supporters, with access only made available to the fan board, one which they may well have loaded with people who are more sympathetic to their way of thinking. If those elected really do want this to be regarded as an independent group, then the first vote should have been for the above stipulations to be scrapped, not reinforced.
  13. I was sceptical but hopeful. Sadly, it appears to be getting further and further away. This whole thing becomes more sinister with each passing day.
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