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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. You really don't have a clue, Rab. Find a post of mine where I say that McCoist is the man for the job. Just one will do.
  2. Good luck in getting an answer to that question. That particular poster has ducked it on numerous occasions in the past.
  3. That may be true, but I still failed to hear anything that could point to there being a fake resignation today.
  4. I have just listened to the SSN interview and he made a point of saying, and repeating, that his job is to take the club to the top division.
  5. What is your point? You asked if Durrant should get a pay-off in full. If his contract stipulates that he qualifies for one, he should get one. it really is that simple.
  6. This whole thing is generally looked at arse about face. Everyone should be paid what they are entitled to, and that goes from the boardroom all the way down to the first rung on the Ibrox ladder. If anyone has a problem with that, they should point the finger of blame towards those who sanctioned those terms in the first place.
  7. He was doing one of those vox pop things and when asked what he would have been if he wasn't a footballer, he replied that he would have been a thief! A great poacher.
  8. Aye, there will be a good deal more to this than meets the eye, although I would doubt that any of it will come out into the public domain. £££
  9. http://www.sportsdirect.com/rangers-league-cup-2015-t-shirt-mens-375155?colcode=37515521 Don't hang about or you'll miss out!
  10. If a player is highly regarded by his club, wouldn't he be offered a contract renewal prior to another club showing interest in him?
  11. Thank the Lord that it doesn't affect the players and the coaches.
  12. Of course you can pick and choose, but you will be in for a big disappointment if you seriously expect neutrals to have much empathy with a support who for instance mock their rivals with BJK chants without giving a thought for those who have suffered at the hands of child abusers. Everyone knows that it is done to wind-up the opposition, it goes on at football matches worldwide and that it has been happening for decades. As an aside, if you were informed that your mildly offensive was deeply disturbing to someone else, what actions, if any, would you take to more meet their sensibilities?
  13. Thanks for proving my point. The message conveys the exact same amount of offence no matter who wrote it.
  14. That makes no sense whatsoever - unless you found that human decency of yours in the interim period. There are many songs/chants/acts which are in bad taste and if anyone wants to condemn all of them, then I have no problem with that, but to pick and choose what merits comment comes across as point-scoring rather than any concern for raising general standards within society.
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