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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Both the men you mention have hardly set foot in Ibrox since all this began, and that in itself is very telling, but to expect them to lead a protest mob outside Ibrox is pretty much a non-starter. That is not the way they were brought up to see Rangers and they would view those tactics as distasteful. That may be regarded as old-fashioned now, but club employees were expected to act in a certain way at all times.
  2. It also states 'which was subsequently amended'. From Jan 10: http://m.scotsman.com/sport/football/latest/ally-mccoist-agrees-to-rangers-pay-cut-1-3264174
  3. Wallace did renegotiate the contract, so they agreed to this clause being inserted only eleven months ago, now they want to renege on it.
  4. I'm with you on that. McCoist was finished the day he took Green's shares bribe and nothing he does now can absolve him for that, however, if he can be useful in derailing the plans of Green and co, I will gladly take it.
  5. If he didn't have the clout to damage this board, I would agree with you wholeheartedly, but, he is the lesser of two evils at this point in time, something that the Ibrox PR machine are trying to hide.
  6. Sadly, most won't care. Rangers is a pale shadow of the club it once was, and not only because of the calamitous actions of Whyte et al. It will be seen as yet another giruy moment by fans who care more about what "my Celtic mates" think than what Rangers means to them.
  7. The extra expense was obviously agreed by the board when Wallace renegotiated the contract.....or will this be excused with the "that was the previous board" mantra? Purely based on on-field matters, I think most agree that McCoist has to go. It is now up to those in charge to make that possible, but I see no reason whatsoever why he should make that easy for them.
  8. It is bare-faced politicking. Jack Irvine views all this as a game where collateral damage is irrelevant.
  9. Is it customary to put someone's salary in a regulatory notice?
  10. Steve Clarke, or someone of his ilk, would be the final humiliation.
  11. These people can't make money unless there is success on the pitch......
  12. I was going to point that out to them but I really couldn't be bottomed.
  13. Most folk don't have any problem with the message being sent out by Smith, just the manner in which it was delivered. It never ceases to amaze me how those who are the most vocal when banging on about 'Rangers traditions' are perfectly happy to set them to one side whenever it suits.
  14. Sold the players during August? That wasn't his decision to make, Rab. Yet another TUPE regulation that you don't appear to understand.
  15. No, it really isn't. It is a tawdry imitation of what it once was. As has been said ad nauseum, if they had all transferred across, how would Green have covered the wage bill?
  16. Gordon Smith needs the cash, and a cunt's trick like this is obviously more lucrative than a private letter.
  17. Playing for a side like Crewe will aid his development a hell of a lot more than a team which plays hoofball as a default option. It remains to be seen if his early promise is fulfilled enough to give him a career at a decent level.
  18. Billy Davies is the archetypal 'nearly man' figure which Scots embrace so readily. His one success saw him take Derby up to the EPL, only to put out one of the worst teams ever to appear in a major league. Derby were always likely to struggle, but they were appallingly bad. Then there are his mental problems..... The clamour to replace McCoist with anyone is reminiscent of the Murray to Whyte to Green to Ashley scenarios. Will lessons ever be learned by the Rangers support?
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