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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. He was described as 'Lundyish' by one poster earlier on, so you may not be 100% safe.
  2. A strange turn of phrase for describing Rangers fans.
  3. I don't believe that any of this long-running caper has been anything other than meticulously planned, so I don't see that changing any time soon, or at least until they have all had their fill.
  4. Looking at those statements, do you reckon Somers is next in line to fall on his sword for the good of the scam.....with a nice wedge in his tail?
  5. Fail to see what this has to do with another club.
  6. That will be why Llambias was having a cull on the little people.
  7. That is something which can be levelled at him for his past actions, but not necessarily here. He would have made more money by not putting in his notice until a later date, say the end of the season. The timing of it could suggest that something else may be at play here. We shall see soon enough.
  8. The very act of giving the loan with that stipulation included is evidence of Ashley influencing the administration. This is the fourth and final time I am going to tell you this. If you can't grasp it, I have nowt else to give. I told you what you could do about Laxey. If you feel that strongly about Ashley's victimisation because of his public profile, it seems like a good way to go.
  9. I was only just thinking to myself that the timing of it all is rather strange. This latest revelation by the SPFL is reminiscent of the latter days of Whyte's time at the tiller.
  10. I'm not saying that he was responsible for handing out the contracts, that blame lies where you have pointed out, just that he got the players he wanted when the level of remuneration would have been discussed during early discussions. If he had been stymied back then, I feel that things would have come to a head a lot earlier than this.
  11. Quite a bit, for instance he was able to sign one horrendous player after another on contracts which were both too generous and unsustainable. Hell, he was even allowed to stay in his position as manager despite some horrendous results and performances.
  12. Aye, three times his selfish attitude resulted in him losing the title of Rangers captain, and despite all that, he still has folk thinking he is up there with the greats. It's a funny old game.
  13. Isn't that why his decision to cause havoc now is even more disturbing? Whatever mistakes he has made, both on and off the park, he now feels that any influence he carried before, is now gone. Added to the elbow for three well-respected 'lifers' it shows to me that Ashley wants to rid the place of anyone who has feelings for the Rangers that he wants to destroy.
  14. It's not an argument at all if you have nothing other than a corporate term to counter my assertion that we were known simply as The Rangers. It is actually backing it up.
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