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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. I don't really care either way as I won't be back until those at the top are all gone, but this 'great manager' myth surrounding Billy Davies is a strange phenomenon as it only really exists among Rangers supporters, and perhaps PNE.
  2. You're tying yourself in knots here. Those who have been on the board in the recent past have been more than competent at achieving their aims. Their aims didn't include making Rangers better.....because they weren't Rangers men.
  3. Looks more like exasperation than sarcasm, and if that is correct, I share his feelings. Your long-running hatred of the RST appears to be clouding your judgement where Ashley is concerned, but fret not, you're one amongst many.
  4. That is when Jack will launch the £5m/£10m war chest stories with revenge thrown into the mix. I can't help but be cynical as it is a fairground carousel that never stops.
  5. It screams at you off the page. There is culpability elsewhere, but it is extremely limited, and anyone focusing on it, or repeatedly attempting to get others to do likewise, needs a watching.
  6. Have you missed the excitement that has been generated by a one-off cup tie against Celtic? That will carry over into the SPFL.
  7. Why do your thoughts invariably revolve around Celtic and their support, with the views of Rangers fans relegated to the runner-up position?
  8. Ashley has made the bulk of his fortune by taking premium brands which were in the doldrums, and turning them into cheap, nasty shit that still sells. Just watch the season ticket sales rocket if/when promotion is gained, and with every extra seat that is filled, a strip or a scarf or a hat or a jacket is sold by SD and Mike Ashley makes money without having to devote much of his time to it at all. If the retail side is starting to make a loss, Ashley will have it offloaded pronto.
  9. Can't agree with that, Zappa. The thought of five thousand Bears in an open, honest FC Rangers of Glasgow type set up appeals to me a hell of a lot more than fifty thousand paying through the nose to a corrupt organisation whose first priority is what they can make for themselves. The old saying, 'The fans ARE the club' is one which I used to believe in, but not currently, and I can't see that changing while under the control of Ashley, Green and whoever else.
  10. For all it's faults, Rangers in the bad old days of the 80's was still a great time to be a Teddy, and I look back on that time with great fondness as the support still had a togetherness about it. The mass introduction of season tickets by SDM put paid to that. Many who had been going for years, home and away, were priced out and drifted away completely, while groups from supporters buses who had stood together were scattered to all corners of the stadium. This was a studied move to bring about the gentrification of football; the astronomical rise in what money can be made from the punters; and the inevitable opportunity for other speculators to rip the heart out of the club.
  11. He doesn't appear to have any intention to do anything other than satisfy the terms of his contract, so it is now for Ashley and his enforcers to take action required to change that situation - if that is what they wish to happen.
  12. I wholeheartedly agree with his thoughts, and that view is hardened with each passing day and it's inevitable embarrassing story.
  13. Agreed, but it is also pushed by those who have no problem with thinking logically on other subjects. That appears to be more calculated.
  14. If Sports Direct are making money from it, that will be good enough for him. How many more times will this "Rangers need to be successful" horseshit be trotted out? As has been shown recently, quite a few folk have got rich without having to worry about on-field matters.
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