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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Which members of the current board attended that meeting?
  2. With EIGHT mentions of legacy issues, I may have missed some, it's a fair bet to assume that the message being conveyed is that it is all down to the old board. Never saw that one coming.
  3. Knows them? He is the one who has been coaching them - the very same coaching that we were told was one of the main reasons to see the back of McCoist.
  4. The RST were leading calls for people to not hand over money for tickets/merchandise....only to then provide the board with much-needed cash via a share issue. Doesn't that strike you as strange?
  5. You're the one who saw the removal of McCoist as the main priority at the club. Enjoy the McDowall revolution.
  6. Nobody mentioned anything about you and blazers, so stop trying to deflect. You stated that you agreed with the decision to prevent Brown from sitting where he was entitled to. The scenario with you isn't too different, so think on.
  7. He was a legitimate guest of a club employee, and as such, should have been given entry. The Easdales or whoever have once again displayed just why they should be nowhere near Ibrox.
  8. The calibre of people allowed in there these days and you think that John Brown being barred is just? For Fuck's sake, BH!
  9. Nothing comes as a surprise anymore.
  10. The board are to blame for failing to make season tickets attractive, not those who won't buy them. The same logic applies here. The amount of shares that are held between the two groups is negligible in the grand scheme of things. Having two separate groups, with neither complimentary about the other's set-up, is an indictment of the way things have gone for years.
  11. As did I, my question wasn't really directed at his comment. Sorry for the confusion.
  12. They, nor the RST, should have invested in the last one either. Propping up the regime instead of trying to dismantle it.
  13. On what basis should he, or any other player, be given that task? I find it astounding, yet at the same time, unsurprising that anyone would make such a suggestion.
  14. McDowall getting the gig brings to mind the phrase, be careful what you wish for. How are all those who have been critical of the coaching under McCoist going to square this one?
  15. As he was prepared to take Celtic's shilling, he quite obviously doesn't have a sense of loyalty to anything or anyone.
  16. Your 'anyone but Ally' line is reminiscent of those who backed Whyte because he wasn't Murray, Green because he wasn't Whyte and now they have the hots for Ashley. Last night you were adamant that you wanted competent people in the boardroom, so why is it that you are prepared to settle for 'better' in the managerial department?
  17. He took Derby up from the Championship - but had the worst ever team that I have seen in a top league. He then failed twice at Forest.
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