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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. If you haven't done it so far, what the devil would it take to push you over the edge?
  2. Whether I believe it to be futile is neither here nor there, you are doing what you think is best, but the only fighting going on is the endless squabbles that they have with each other.
  3. It's not the same one, Rab, not by a long chalk. You may surround yourself with the 'same legal entity' argument, but just take a look at what is going on here and then look back at those days when the club had true Rangers men like Jock Wallace at all levels throughout the club. Don't sully those memories in order to act staunch on here in this defence of Ashley and his band.
  4. When they aren't able to pay McCoist off, there was no way that his three coaches would be removed too.
  5. You were warned, SBS. This mob have little interest in changing anything for the better unless it is something which benefits them and their cronies. It is a complete disgrace.
  6. What are these other fronts you speak of? Nobody will make you do anything against your will, nor was it suggested that they would, but there are a growing number who think that a team with Rangers in it's name, playing in blue, and watched by a loyal support is far closer to the club that they first fell in love with than the current empty shell that we see before us now. You say that the history would be lost, but I would still remember all the great days I had with my fellow bluenoses, so what you thought was the great deterrent just doesn't work. Celtic fans might talk about legal entities, but the good guys don't take any heed of their pish.
  7. There will be one big change - so please spare a thought for his discarded clipboard.
  8. You have just advocated not boycotting tickets or merchandise. Can you explain the 'smartness' in doing that?
  9. The Rangers support are showing all the hallmarks of a battered wife. Vulnerable after years of abuse; devoid of self-respect; too scared to leave; and convincing itself that things will change this time. It really is about time that they got off their knees.
  10. As predicted, the board have once again laughed in the face of every Rangers supporter.....and they will still get the financial backing that they need.
  11. The level of ST sales will be what determines the length of his stay. Looks like investment will pretty much match current levels.
  12. On my own, I can have the same effect on the construction as I can on the destruction - minimal. I do my bit, others need to do their bit. Your type will repeatedly back those out to destroy us, and that will not be forgotten.
  13. I'm in the demolition and site clearance game, gaffer. The construction begins later.
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