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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. The people demanded change, but they didn't stop to think what that change would actually amount to.
  2. Whereas you put your faith in Green, and now in Ashley. If only we had all been as astute as yourself.
  3. I would have had you say "not a penny more" but that wasn't my place, that was a purely personal decision for you to take. The alarm bells were going off prior to Whyte getting his hands on the club, and have done so incessantly since then.
  4. You have just revealed your real plan to defeat Ashley. You know that they are there for the sake of SD and that they will try to fool the support by throwing out a few crumbs, yet you are prepared to eat as much shit as is needed until the day that they choose to depart. I don't expect you to agree with anyone over the theory of starting up a new team, but after what you have just stated, please don't try to take the moral high ground by labelling others who do see the attraction of it as defeatist.
  5. It's like the mother who goes to the courts in her fight to stop doctors from switching off the machine that has kept her son 'alive' for the last two years.
  6. Permanent damage has been done. There are supporters of many years who have lost the thing which consumed more of their day than family or anything else. That time cannot be replaced, and the old 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' line really doesn't work in reality.
  7. Do you have evidence of either of them ever claiming to speak for all Rangers supporters? You appear to be confused again, Rab.
  8. I would love to know who feeds him the stuff that he comes out with. I have a couple of ideas.....
  9. MCR were selling to Green, no matter what. They are up to their necks in this.
  10. Look back in the thread and you will see that you are the only one to mention any of them. Don't keep inventing stuff, Rab.
  11. You know where he hails from and the type of thinking that goes on there. Ashley is their latest squeeze. He's even comparing him to David Holmes now, ffs.
  12. Each individual drifting away and not giving them their hard-earned cash is doing their bit.
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