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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. All the best to you and yours, chaps.
  2. They can't prevent anyone from buying shares in a plc, and I haven't seen that mentioned other than by you. Again, what is the relevance? UEFA has it's own rules, and each national association have theirs. If UEFA wanted them all to adhere to their rules then there would be no need for any others.
  3. I understand what I was given, just not the relevance of it. Show me the UEFA Articles that the SFA have disregarded and it will all be cleared up.
  4. The whole fucking country, Rab? That would be FIFA jurisdiction. Why are you telling us stuff that is already known? Provide a link. Or get your new pal to do it.
  5. I'm not saying that he wouldn't try it, but those wee innocents are growing up faster than ever before. Chip, chip, chip.
  6. The loans were a stop gap until he got his desired percentage. How do the loans get repaid when the basics are unaffordable as it is?
  7. We shall need to wait and see what the cartel come out with next. You need not worry, your tired rhetoric won't need to change one iota.
  8. Nothing has changed. They have been outmanoeuvred, especially with the timing of the vote to the meeting. The recent revelations would have played a part too. It's now a wait for Ashley's method of retribution to appear.
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