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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. How long will this campaign go on before Somers vacates the premises with a nice thank you in his back pocket? Why is Jack playing for time?
  2. Your OTT reaction to any slightly negative comment directed towards King comes mighty close to the levels of idolatry shown to Green and his pals by the Wizard of Rangers!
  3. All I know is that they are currently in a position to go up to the top flight via the play-offs. You see that as simply a good season, I see it as a continuation of several years of progression. That doesn't make me Greg fucking Dyke. I am quite happy to look at what has been happening in the recent past, so I will defer to you on what the future will bring.
  4. They won League Two in 08/09. They then consolidated their League One status with three top half finishes, followed by a play-off final defeat after taking third spot in the regular season. They gained automatic promotion up to the Championship in 13/14 and are currently sitting in sixth position, four points shy of an automatic place into the Premiership. Aye, they're just having a good season, that's all.
  5. Sounds remarkably similar to the tactics that Green employed when dealing with Neil Murray. But, of course, Green has no involvement in the club anymore.
  6. I would expect them to fight tooth and nail to resist that. The game would be well and truly up were it to happen.
  7. Check my edit for attendance figures, although I still find them to be irrelevant to how a player will develop his game. A club which is well run will go a lot further than one which is hemorrhaging millions of pounds and thousands of fans each year. A club with clear ambition on how the game should be played and how they are developing players will go a lot further than one which is in complete disarray and is filled with mediocrity. Those are the real points that Lewis Macleod should be looking at if he is solely focussed on becoming a better player.
  8. I'm dealing in the here and now, what is happening on the pitch and on the training ground. Brentford are in a far healthier position than where Macleod is now. I really don't see what attendance figures have to do with this. EDIT: The average attendance at Griffin Park this season is 10,520. That figure is 85.5% of capacity and is only bettered by Norwich in the division. http://www.soccerstats.com/attendance.asp?league=england2
  9. Brentford are a fantastic club and one which would allow the player to make the necessary improvements that his game needs, infact, I believe that he is doing well attracting such teams as them and Burnley.
  10. A fine article, D'Artagnan. I also think that Bluedell makes a great observation about the support.
  11. You should have asked Santa for a dictionary.
  12. I have been critical of the players that he signed, but McCoist didn't sanction what wages were paid to anyone. That blame lies with the various board members who have overseen this shambles.
  13. The board are the ones who do the hiring and firing. If they are corrupt/inept, you will get what you see on the pitch. Nobody is asking you to be happy about it. I will bow out now as this is obviously pointless.
  14. Aye, change the manager after each match, that'll do the trick. For fuck's sake, this is running along the same lines as Portsmouth or Leeds. I predicted it in 2012 and see nothing in there to show that it will turn out to be anything different.
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