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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Even with my natural tendency to veer towards pessimism, things appear to be in a far better place now than they were a week ago. Courage, brother, do not stumble Though thy path be dark as night There’s a Bear to guide the humble Trust in King and do the right.
  2. He may well be the real deal, but his statement today did little to convince me that his 'bid' was serious, or indeed genuine. From the information that I have read on him, he appears to be a basketball nut who loves his home state and his family. Time will tell.
  3. It's nothing like the club of 1872, Christ, it's not even close to the club of 1972! If more folk had kept a closer eye on what was going on inside Ibrox instead of partaking in inane squabbles with the monobrows over legal entities, the current situation may not have been allowed to come about.
  4. It's as good an explanation as anything. Whyte and his co-conspirators pulled the same stroke with the introduction of Club 9 Sports and Bill Miller.
  5. I put The Godfather trilogy on the planner. You obviously watched it already.
  6. Perhaps they are allowing those who constantly batted for the board time to grieve?
  7. He must have negotiated himself a very lucrative consultancy fee to replace his income from that lot.
  8. Must have had writer's cramp on October 24th!
  9. Ashley sticking two fingers up to everyone.
  10. Why would anyone be expecting Easdale to do the right thing?
  11. Give it a fucking rest! Your latest squeezes are on their way out, and no matter how much spin Irvine puts out, his clients are going to get called on their actions.
  12. Not something that will be of concern to any of those in power at the moment.
  13. I could see this happening, at least until the end of the season. McCoist's decision to give notice was strange given his previous bullish attitude towards continuing in the role, but with subsequent events unfolding, the timing of it could very well have been part of a strategy.
  14. A loan for working capital secured against a transfer payment that was to be used for working capital. Just another normal day at the office.
  15. Why not just say who you are referring to? It won't shock anyone.
  16. It may well happen at some point down the line, but talk of it now is both premature and really not what is needed to bring about stability.
  17. That covers it for me too. The RST have failed to engage with enough of the fanbase over a number of years and now have too much baggage to appeal to a large number disaffected by various internal squabbles; The RF comes across as a mixture of the jilted girlfriends of the RST and a handy way for the Louden to keep the tills ringing. Like everything else within the club, there needs to be a radical rethink on how to best approach the future. Any fan ownership initiative needs a fresh model and it has to be independent of the various factions.
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