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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Other than what has been announced through the LSE notices, everything is largely based on assumptions. There is plenty of focus on this mythical fifty percent plus one share and precious little on the boardroom power which amounts to zero. Nothing will happen until the latter changes.
  2. Do you really believe that the board and investors who have ridden roughshod over the support on various matters will take a blind bit of notice over a daft online petition? They language they speak is pounds and pence. Dwindling crowds is what brought about a climate which made them vulnerable to attack by King, Letham etc. Your subsequent hissy fit won't have changed much either.
  3. Does anyone actually believe that the likes of Somers or Easdale will be swayed by an online petition? Sign it if it makes you feel better, but be realistic as to what difference it will bring.
  4. Fair enough, it's his money. One would be great.
  5. rhetorical rɪˈtɒrɪk(ə)l/Submit adjective 1. relating to or concerned with the art of rhetoric. "repetition is a common rhetorical device" synonyms: stylistic, oratorical, linguistic, verbal "the skilful use of such rhetorical devices like metaphor" expressed in terms intended to persuade or impress. "the rhetorical commitment of the government to give priority to primary education" synonyms: extravagant, grandiloquent, magniloquent, high-flown, high-sounding, sonorous, lofty, orotund, bombastic, grandiose, pompous, pretentious, overblown, overripe, oratorical, turgid, flowery, florid, declamatory, Ciceronian; More 2. (of a question) asked in order to produce an effect or to make a statement rather than to elicit information.
  6. I wouldn't worry, it will have been spent already.
  7. There was no payment due until today. This thread was bumped with a spurious rumour for another reason altogether.
  8. Zero would be great.
  9. Apologies for the confusion. I am dubious as to whether the bid was even real, so the figures involved are moot at this point.
  10. If they are unable to pay the bills on demand, then they could simply argue that they needed to enter into a loan agreement to stave off an insolvency event, thereby working in the interests of the business. How successful such a defence would be, I don't know.
  11. The extra support at the Dumbarton game provided the board with some breathing space. The lack of bums on seats has been the major factor that brought about their current difficulties, an escalation of that would pile on more pressure to sell up.
  12. As Ashley has previously shown us, andagain with the appointment of Leach, the level of shareholding is not where the real power lies. The boardroom is where the major decisions are taken and that is why they all need to be removed forthwith - before they sign away anything else for a pittance.
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