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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Being sceptical about the motives of some random from the US who has popped up from nowhere, with an 'ex-Rangers player' cover story, is not paranoia, it's a necessity.
  2. It was noted. It is yet another reason to see these Sarver bids as suspicious.
  3. If they think that way, they will be mighty disappointed. There is no honest money to be made in Scottish football, especially with the sort of outlay being discussed, and that is why this needs to be a labour of love.
  4. They are a global company who acquired MCR in 2011. They may have rebranded, but the same wee crew stayed together.
  5. Ashley makes money for Ashley. Wakey wakey.
  6. Given that he planted the seed into Sarver's head, I appear to have missed the numerous interviews with David Robertson where he extols the virtues of the man and his bid for control.
  7. An injunction would only be of use if they publicise what their plans are. I wouldn't think that would be likely.
  8. I had heard it previously, but the Shearer angle that was new to me.
  9. That's basically what The Telegraph reported.
  10. Not worth posting the full article as it is merely opinion, but Alan Shearer reckons that Pardew jumped ship as Ashley is in negotiations to flog Newcastle, something which has been denied by the club.
  11. No proof that he did, but he might as well have with Paul Shackleton still in tow.
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