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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Not paying sufficient attention to the finer details often leads to the downfall of liars, fraudsters and cheats.
  2. http://www.winnersports.co.uk/rangers-fc-ibrox-stadium-naming-rights-unofficially-on-the-market-39295 Sounds like bullshit, however.....
  3. I think it's a pretty good, if expensive, wind-up. The usual suspects will no doubt be going tonto over it.
  4. I distinctly remember you hoping that Ashley won complete control. Shows you up for the fraud that you are.
  6. Ditto. I was racking my brains trying to remember what I had posted!
  7. What was embarrassing about not wanting the involvement of Club 9 Sports and Bill Miller? They were part of the on-going scam.
  8. None of it adds up so far. That doesn't mean that it isn't a genuine bid, but given what has gone on before, every fan should have alarm bells ringing in their ears at the manner in which everything is progressing.
  9. I have weighed up what has been said and have reasoned that very little of it rings true. The words attributed to him said that he wanted a string of clubs in Europe, not just one, so is there any evidence available of him previously making enquiries into owning a European club, or did he just have a lucky strike at his first attempt after meeting Robertson? You throwing random figures out there doesn't do anything to make it any more believable.
  10. He also displayed some bat-shit crazy behaviour in his time at Fulham.
  11. So? Your original argument was about what Ashley was making from Rangers, not what the turnover was. Were fans even boycotting merchandise in any great numbers for the period those figures refer to?
  12. Early on in his charm offensive, Charles Green claimed to have only met Craig Whyte on one occasion. That was debunked later on when the thieves fell out with each other. David Grier claimed that he had no knowledge of Whyte's Ticketus scam. That was debunked later when the thieves fell out with each other. Forgive me for not taking this spokesman's words on blind trust.
  13. Rab, your posts over a long period of time say different. Do you really believe that people are going to forget your antics?
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