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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Look, I'm not arguing that it can't be done in some instances, but the RFFF is not set up to do it. There were also people who deposited money into banks, while others put money into collecting buckets.
  2. James Easdale must have drawn some pictures with his crayons during the board meetings, surely one of them is of a tanned guy with a beard.....
  3. Even if they knew those identities, and they don't, it would be impractical.
  4. Brian Kennedy has some fucking cheek. He sold Stockport County to the fans for £1, but retained the ground and charged them rent to play on it.
  5. Not without contacting all those who put cash in.
  6. The RFFF cash has become as toxic as wee Jack.
  7. I don't know Chris Graham personally, so my comment was made because I didn't like what he had to say, not who he is. He was the one 'hammering' people for moaning on the internet while the RST were having their campaign. My solution is what it always has been. Stop giving them money. It's not clever or sophisticated and I don't have the media savvy to make it sound like an appealing route for the masses to take. It most certainly isn't pleasant, but neither is getting tortured day after day and then handed the invoice.
  8. Any time that I have mentioned it, I got rebuked by admin for doing so. I don't see the connection between that and what you quoted. You're not saying that if I pick holes in one side, that I'm automatically with the other side, are you?
  9. How much do you think Ashley will make out of having Ibrox, not to mention any other deals that he has 'negotiated'? Will it be piddling enough to put him off buying the required shares in order to keep things under control?
  10. I only speak for myself. My eighteen months of moaning on the internet has done as much good as the campaigning that he talks about. Once they had their claws in, they were always going to leave with everything, it was only the timescale and the amount of cash that they could bring in that were undecided.
  11. Chris Graham has the condescending prick routine down to a fine art. The RST have helped to fund the regime through purchasing shares. People in glass houses.
  12. No, UEFA have confirmed that the entry for the EL winners will be in addition to league placings.
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