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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Nope. Accidentally pulling someone's hair is not classed as assault. That is why you should be very careful about what you say unless you have proof of wrongdoing.
  2. Yes, could try to argue that, but I wouldn't fancy your chances of a achieving a positive outcome. The judgement clearly states 80k fine or 24 months imprisonment for each charge and rounds things off by providing the subsequent totals. I even bolded it for you.
  3. I'm not disputing that something happened, that has already been established, so your facetious comment about black ops fell flat on it's arse, but there have been accusations of assault flying around, but without any unequivocal proof to back them up. You appeared to be insinuating such, which is why I asked you for an explanation.
  4. Here is the judgment: http://www.politicsweb.co.za/politicsweb/view/politicsweb/en/page71654?oid=401431&sn=Detail&pid=71616
  5. No, I meant be unequivocal about what actually happened. There are plenty of unsubstantiated rumours doing the rounds.
  6. Yes, both King and Murray would fall foul of two and one of those respectively, but there will also be discretionary powers available to those making the decision.
  7. I have already said that I am not bracketing King with Easdale, but the next chapter should be one where things are done properly and above board. I will leave it at that.
  8. I see Easdale as a puppeteer who works for a company which does puppet shows. The likes of Mather, Wallace and Somers are the (willing) puppets who get handsome rewards for their time.
  9. 1. He wouldn't be the first person to do so, although I do think that he has had reassurance on the matter. 2. The SA authorities do not have a say in this, so that is neither here nor there.
  10. I would prefer to have a board who were capable of excelling on their own terms. Perhaps I'm old-fashioned.
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