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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Gersnet - Theeeeee most important football website in Scotland!
  2. Wasn't that what the whole piece was highlighting? The difference in attitudes, both on and off the field, between his humble upbringing and the middle-class, corporate world that he now finds himself in? I certainly don't agree with the writer saying that a suspended sentence was appropriate, he had to be punished, but it makes more sense than your calls for him to be jailed! There may be some merit in him working with a psychologist, but I don't see it as being a magic cure. Part of him will always be a dirt-poor street kid who has never grown up and doesn't fit in to the image that must be portrayed to keep the football gravytrain rolling.
  3. It won't be universally popular(for a couple of reasons ) but this is an excellent piece from a different perspective. http://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/columnists/donal-og-cusack/donal-og-cusack-suarez-is-just-another-crazy-mixed-up-kid-not-a-bad-person-273535.html
  4. Book separate returns: Glasgow - Crewe and Crewe - Derby Should be about half of that price you quoted. Also provides a chance to re-stock the cargo. I believe these buses are running: Wishaw, Sandbank, Clarkson. Queen Street True Blues have a bus leaving at 04.30 and returning at 18.00.
  5. Ok, I shall make it easy for you. There is no total ban on The Billy Boys as UEFA have no jurisdiction over domestic matches. That was a story concocted by Sir David Murray. They will punish abuses ONLY in games which they oversee, and I am well aware of the times that has happened. There have been no sanctions imposed by the SFA any time it has been aired at domestic games, so your call for everyone to bend the knee by watering down the lyrics is both pathetic and unnecessary. The next time you want to accuse me of being foolish, first take your head out of the poxy rule book and get an understanding of the full picture.
  6. Show me the UEFA directive which specifically bans the song in all forms from all Rangers matches and then we can talk. That doesn't mean some half-arsed nonsense which came from the Assembly or stories of Murray brandishing a piece of paper at a meeting of fan groups. Real evidence. It wouldn't have been workable because people would have continued singing the same words that they had grown up singing. Calling them stupid because you don't agree with their choice says more about you than it does about them.
  7. It would have been a far better idea for the writer, especially given his previous connections, to have approached Celtic privately, and then, if there was agreement, he could have written his exclusive.
  8. Are they referring to the SFA or the police when they say the 'appropriate authorities'?
  9. Not that it would have been workable, but please explain to me exactly when this offer was on the table.
  10. Anyone other than "My taxi driver" or "A guy in the boozer". It wasn't a dig.
  11. I distinctly remember the torrent of hatred expressed towards Boyd when he chose to leave despite being offered a new contract. All quiet now it would seem and, despite their protestations, the majority of the fanbase would also accept the return of McGregor, Naismith and Whittaker. Well the first two anyway.
  12. That's fortunate - near enough everyone is out of contract at the end of this season.
  13. A litany of spent betting slips has cured me of that particular habit!
  14. He had a purple-patch at just the right time for Murray to cash in on him. Either side of it, he has been largely unimpressive. A good athlete, an average footballer. The blueprint of British coaching for far too many years now.
  15. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/players/luis-suarez/10930281/Luis-Suarezs-four-month-ban-is-excessive-says-World-Cup-2014-bite-victim-Giorgio-Chiellini.html Probably feeling a bit sheepish after his own post-match histrionics, albeit said in the aftermath of early elimination, but those are the words of a great sportsman.
  16. The lyrics are anti-Catholic to most - I don't buy the 'Aye, but ****** is only about members of a 19th century political group in America' excuse. The gang were from Bridgeton, they attended Rangers games, they sang their song, others joined in. It really isn't too difficult to grasp.
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