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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Exactly. There is no way that a player would keep his place if he wasn't listening to the instructions of his manager. McGregor used to hoof it as well.
  2. I sense the letter is being passed on to the legal department who are the ones who will be able to provide your mate with the most accurate information.
  3. Yes. It's not, the proof is all there, or not, as the case may be. Queen's Park - December 2012 Berwick - February 2013
  4. The SPL came up with the same reasoning after complaints were made against Rangers at a game in Inverness. UEFA said diddly.
  5. The bottom half of the draw is by far the easiest route to the final. Puts the FIFA/home nation conspiracy theories to bed.
  6. Indeed. Being a part-time professional didn't stop Alan Morton being widely regarded as one of the greatest exponents of the game with a level of fitness as good as any of his full-time counterparts.
  7. As far as I am concerned it has never fully gone away and has been sung at various times, and to varying degrees, since the 2006 ruling. It will definitely be heard again at the first game against Celtic, so you had better cover your ears. It will never be sung in such numbers as in the past, so in that way, yes, it has 'gone'. The 'all but disappeared' part is where your argument falls down. UEFA would punish any infraction in their competitions. The fact is that the SFA have 'let it slide' with no involvement from the European governing body. I apologise for not making myself clearer. Can you provide an example of UEFA pulling rank where there has been discriminatory chanting or singing at a match outwith their jurisdiction? That is not a rhetorical question.
  8. Good. What did it specifically say regarding matches outwith UEFA jurisdiction? The RST shat it at the meeting in 2006 after UEFA appealed their own decision and took the word of Murray/Bain as gospel without even seeing the document. Three years later we had the Assembly releasing something which only muddied the waters further. If there is UEFA correspondence out there which settles the matter once and for all, I would love to see it published. There is no logical explanation as to why it hasn't been as it would shut up the likes of me and put the matter to bed once and for all.
  9. You really shouldn't jump to conclusions. You didn't answer anything. There have been numerous occasions where the song has been heard, but your little scenario didn't come to pass. That doesn't concern a match or discriminatory chanting.
  10. Deary me, you're getting all confused here. The conversation that you jumped into concerned the way the support had capitulated at that time. There has been nobody calling for the song to return. The facts are that the SFA have never got involved at any time and UEFA have never sanctioned the national association for their inaction. In what way does that tally with your little scenario above? Do you have any examples of UEFA intervening in the business of a national association elsewhere?
  11. Pedantry? Your 'de facto' national anthem is called Flower Of Scotland, so what's this OFOS thing all about?
  12. He had over twelve months left on his contract when he turned down an improved offer. Bayern bought him that summer and the deal was worth a lot more than 18m with add-ons.
  13. Will dovetail well with Wallace who was perfect due to being present when Man City were spending cash left, right and centre!
  14. Why say fuck all if all he can come up with is a nudge and a wink? Playing to the gallery.
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