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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Let's be honest here, Collyer Bristow were also shafted by Whyte and Withey.
  2. Given that he can't even get the name of the judge right, his source can't be up to much. Ticketus were named on the list of creditors to the tune of £26.7m.
  3. What evidence is there to suggest that is even remotely plausible? Are you referring to the various contracts which are weighted to enrich certain shareholders over the club? Are you referring to the huge bonuses which have been written into the contracts of a trail of directors? Are you referring to the appointment of yet another spin merchant while the DoF post remains vacant? I could cite many other examples. Three more weeks and it will be 120 days since the 120+ day review and we still have the likes of you and Jilted John spouting the same old pish.
  4. We must not forget to mention those whose own naked ambition for power and the sycophancy that accompanied it, made Whyte's scam that much easier to pull off. They are without shame and still continue along the same path today. Defending fuck all.
  5. Jackson's 'self-made billionaire' piece was far more damaging than any HMRC decision, although it must have been a great wee earner for him. I often wonder who it was that paid him to write it for them.
  6. How can you be so sure that there are no more omissions or other accounting errors in there? Time and again, all the way from Whyte, they have shown that they are economical with the truth. There will be those who think that it was a deliberate ploy to hoodwink the fans and the shareholders in the lead up to what could have been an extremely difficult AGM for them. An omission is one thing, but when it is connected to the little charade that was played out by Somers and Stockbridge in front of a gathered audience, even a supporter of the regime like yourself must be starting to ask questions.
  7. Lighten up. He's not a Nazi, he's not even an actor portraying a Nazi. He's not a member of Terra Lliure either.
  8. He was merely the latest to take one for the team. Each of them has a limited shelf-life for appearing 'front of house'.
  9. Well there is not a lot more that you can do to bring about the changes you want. The RST has, for different reasons, failed to appeal to the vast majority of the fanbase. If it can't do so in the current climate, it never will.
  10. The chances of more than two of those schemes coming together is a tad less than zero. It may not be ideal, but that is all there is at this moment in time.
  11. The UNSECURED one? Just because £1.5m was subsequently secured against two club assets, doesn't mean that it didn't exist.
  12. Just as long as it gets them through the AGM relatively unscathed.
  13. I didn't mention any particular names or groups. If you want to personalise things, that is your right, but you should expect others to judge you for doing so.
  14. You were trumpeting their ability to not get into a financial mess because they were small, independent countries, while failing to mention the reasons why. That's true of the GDP per capita, but in the latest figures released, Denmark's annual growth rate was 1.45 compared to 3.1 in the UK. Recovery is what is important to the man in the street. The timing is impeccable. They have sought to stabilise things after Erste Bank, the country's largest, revealed that their had been a 40% miscalculation on bad debts which would lead to losses of 2bn euros this year, plus the recent downgrade from Moody's due to new laws introduced by the government.
  15. How can anyone support a vote for Scottish independence, yet still claim to be worried about an uncertain future with regard to EU membership? Barking mad!
  16. I don't agree with giving them a penny more, but aren't there already schemes in place - VB, Buy Rangers and Rangers First - whereby shares are either being purchased now or cash is being built up for the future?
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