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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. Southampton stupidly paid a fee due to the uncertainty of the timescale needed to receive international clearance. They were just one of the many duped by Green and his bluster. Davis did the exact same thing as the others.
  2. Partick won the same points as a Hearts team who were in turmoil and three points more than Hibs. Unless they have made a vast improvement, their standard can't be great. Anyone who places any merit on a behind closed doors game deserves some gentle mocking.
  3. Gersnet is extremely lucky to have someone with your infinite wisdom aboard.
  4. They have travelled to Scotland to enjoy themselves. Leave them be.
  5. I know, but I have vague memories of a development not long after Whyte turned up. Can't find anything so will have to put it down to senility!
  6. The purchase of EH and the talk of what it would be turned into were all part of the Green charm offensive that was used to dupe a serially gullible support.
  7. Those who chose to fund a succession of fraudsters, hucksters and crooks are to blame, not those who have decided to withhold funds. The current mob have shown by deed that they have no interest in a football club, they only see a troubled business ripe for stripping. A full page ad in the paper couldn't have made it any clearer.
  8. They were under the impression that they had security in future ST sales. They hadn't taken Scot's Law into account.
  9. Murray Park this year then. Ibrox can wait until it has more exposure.
  10. I expect that there would still have been a claim, but there would have been a different argument put forward.
  11. You're not grasping this. The argument was that the fraud perpetrated by Whyte and Withey resulted in the loss of £25m from elsewhere. Since that argument was accepted by the court, it seems churlish on your part to argue that it wasn't an effective claim.....but looking at some of your comments, perhaps you just have a dislike for Paul Murray!
  12. Do you have a link to this £100m+ claim? When was it decided to drop that and go for less than quarter of the total and on what grounds?
  13. They were complicit in the 'loss' to the club of £25m through the scheme proposed by Paul Murray. It has nothing to do with anyone choosing the wrong deal. I fail to see how the timing of PM's proposal is relevant to any of this.
  14. No, it says that Whyte’s bid persuaded Paul Murray NOT to launch alternative funding. You were provided with the evidence that you asked for. If you choose not to believe that it was used as an argument in court, then that is your prerogative, but you could at least have read what it actually stated.
  15. http://www.thelawyer.com/full-extent-of-rangers-fc-claims-against-collyer-bristow-laid-bare/1012303.article The Arsenal shares had nowt to do with Collyer Bristow. Whyte channelled that money through Pritchard Stockbrokers, another front which was soon wound up.
  16. You have repeatedly shown that you have no understanding of the most basic of facts.
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