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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. I'm no victim. I have explained the main problem I have with them.
  2. Two parties conducting some twee interview for no reason other than self-interest.
  3. Can't argue with any of that. A succession of wasted opportunities.
  4. I'm attacking them for using the same tactics on whoever they deem to be opponents of theirs. They don't differentiate between Rangers/Celtic fans when they choose to go on the attack.
  5. They really are a sad lot. No matter how many 'bheasts' they expose with this type of petty tit-for-tat nonsense, they will never be able to shed the shame of not only backing Whyte/MCR/Green to the hilt, but using the same smear tactics to attack fellow fans for not agreeing with them.
  6. It can't be easy for those on the outside looking in - especially with all that red mist descending.
  7. I understand that the onus was on the owners to have the finances available to cover the wages of the employees.
  8. Ok, rephrase it. If they wanted to TUPE over and remain at Rangers, what then?
  9. They could TUPE over, that was an option for them, but Charles Green didn't want them to have that choice because he couldn't afford to keep them on the wages that they were entitled to. Anyone calling them out for not showing loyalty needs to have a good look at themselves. Where is the loyalty from club to player if the player doesn't want to leave? The legal advice they received is irrelevant. They had two options. That is how simple it was.
  10. That's a lot of ifs and buts. Why not wait to see what transpires before getting yourself all hot under the collar? I have seen it mentioned that he wouldn't be alone in investing, so the 'dictator' talk is a tad premature. You never know, he may even gift a large shareholding to the RST!
  11. First off, Whittaker was never a fan whereas Naismith was as dyed in the wool as any Rangers supporter. Not everyone will agree with the choice he made, but his reasons were valid and history has vindicated him. It could also be that everything he said was just a smokescreen for him wanting to cash in on the situation he found himself in. Only he can know the truth.
  12. I tend to agree with you. I just don't see how that statement, together with the Nash appointment, could be taken as a sign that they are selling up.
  13. Do you have any specific examples of anyone saying that a 'football dictator' is OK? I'm guessing not.
  14. This vague announcement could be for all sorts of reasons. Probably best that folk simmer down and hold on to their wishful thinking until something more tangible is communicated.
  15. As I have already stated on this thread, and said so at the time, they should all have transferred over on full contract and called Green out. It was their decision at the end of the day. What I cannot stand is the attitude of folk like yourself who attempt to present a difference between the 'loyalty' of Davis and that of Naismith, Whittaker etc. all based on the ramblings of Green and his Whyte-esque empty threats of court action. Even after all that has happened in the interim the penny still hasn't dropped.
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