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Everything posted by Rangersitis

  1. What does an open mind have to do with understanding a regulation which is explicit in it's language and leaves no room for ambiguity? I am not giving my opinion here, I am stating the facts. Anyway, I told you yesterday when you started this shite - report whatever suspicions you have to admin and let us see what comes of it.
  2. As it is the club's choice to decide on who it wants to register, there was no failure on UEFA's part.
  3. Apologies, 'shouting down' doesn't describe your style. I was attempting, obviously not very successfully, to portray the dismissive way that any findings which didn't suit were treated.
  4. I certainly don't believe that Legia were cheating, they just didn't know the regulations - and that is almost as bad. Even after the announcement was made, Henning Berg was still going on about the Debrecen 'precedent' that isn't. We shall have to agree to disagree on the rule itself and how it is written.
  5. I really don't see how it can be anything other than mandatory. An extreme example, but would it be a satisfactory outcome if Real Madrid 'inadvertently' played an under suspension Christiano Ronaldo in the CL final and received a paltry fine for their 'administrative error'? Clubs cannot be given the option to choose when their players miss a game. It would inevitably lead to abuse.
  6. I know that you didn't support Green, but he was allowed to come in with his Vaudeville act precisely because administration had given the support such a hammering that they were susceptible to his charms. It may not have been allowed to get to that point had there not been groups and individuals who wanted to suppress the horrible truthfor their own campaigns. Did you back Whyte, and did you use your own standing within the support to try to influence them that everything coming out of the BBC, Clyde, the print media and the various Celtic-related websites about him was nothing but Anti-rangers lies, even when Rangers supporters were finding corroboration? I used to enjoy your stuff, indeed it was only this week that I read your stunningly good 'Hands Across The Water' piece. Get back to writing like that.
  7. When Whyte was being shown up for the crook that he was, when MCR were being shown to be up to their necks in it from before the start, and when Green was riding into town to 'save' a shell-shocked, divided support. Were you looking for the truth, or were you too busy fighting all those perceived as enemies, including the ones within the Rangers support?
  8. They don’t need to be included, but if they are not, their suspension stays in force. Nothing I have seen for this year, but Budocnost Podgorica v Neftchi Baku and ND Mura v Arsenal Kyiv in the EL 2010/2011. There was also the case of Lee Bowyer at Newcastle when he had a six match ban.
  9. A list of up to 25 players needs to be registered for each match. Any suspended players must be included in that number if they wish to use up that suspension. That is how it is for ALL clubs.
  10. For someone who used messageboards to shout down any criticism of Craig Whyte, the author has some gall to write that shite about it being left up to the likes of himself to fight lies. He and his cronies helped to create a climate which allowed the current incumbents to ditch the toxic 'oldco' and to go on to plunder what they could from the shiny 'newco' which they created. They don't give a shit about what went before, who they trampled on to get their way, or who was left in their wake. They are in it for the cash, nowt else.
  11. Five minutes later Same old bullshit that will be lapped up by daft wee fannies who will be wetting themselves at the prospect of his return.
  12. Every club has a football administrator tasked with knowing the ins and outs of the rules set by the various organising committees and ensuring that their club adheres to them. The person working for Legia has cocked it up big time, and it will prove costly, but it won't happen again at that club or any other which has fallen foul of those rules. Every club signs up to them at the start of every season and as such, it is a level playing field.
  13. Yes. The rules are quite clear. Not the same scenario, but Rangers owed their biggest triumph to the rule book being used to alter a result.
  14. If Celtic had did what Legia did and UEFA had come out and ran roughshod over their own rulebook there would be uproar. Similarly, if Rangers had been in Celtic's position they wouldn't be relinquishing their place in European competition in a show of Corinthian spirit.
  15. I'm not playing anything, I am providing you with facts. It is up to you whether you decide to accept them or not. I have no doubt that it was nothing more than an error on the part of the Poles, as I am sure was the case with most of the previous similar cases.
  16. The 'may' be forfeited applies to ineligible players. The excerpt I posted earlier regarding suspended players says 'will' be forfeited.
  17. The Debrecen game isn't precedent where this incident is concerned. I have posted two matches which show precedent further up the thread.
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