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Everything posted by buster.

  1. The political landscape was shaped by DM and Irvine years ago and thereafter nutured. They dug trenches and divided.
  2. Not being able to prove X, Y or Z and lawyers letters is often the reason that it stays in the background. Sometimes it's wiser because a fluid situation can also mean what is relevant one day might not be the next. This can have the effect of 'online derision' (if done via forum) or 'ongoing dismissal' of anything X was to put forward in the future. On occasion it's been for the ongoing solvency of the company/club although I believe this was perhaps short sighted. On occasion I think it may have been because of 'interests'. On occasion the politics meant it better to hold cards close to the chest. On occasion it is a 'trump card' of sorts that can be used against a certain sp.iv. However on many occasions I agree with you and think it would be better out there so as to give supporters a rounder picture of ongoing events.
  3. I'll stop regards debating the FF thread link I posted and leave people to read it if they wish. [unreasonable comment Edited by Frankie] I'm independent in these matters regards 'groups' and only seek what is best for the football club. I don't seek division, just a rounded discussion before an election (which is a sham but seems to be happening) I have also discovered in the last few years that I have a nose that has a knack of being able to detect and determine between truth, bullshit/spin. Too often my 'spidery senses' tell me that that AH as B.Hemdani is either not as intuitive as he is clever or is being 'political' regards his interpretations of ongoing events. AH states the following in his campaign literature "My main qualities have been described as financial skills, probity and eye for detail.” I realise that I might be wrong but I back what I said up about AH with his 'unqualified blindness' when it came to Charles Green. How can a man with the CV and relevant experience presented not have sniffed a rat with how CG went about his business, the wording and clauses of the IPO prospectus etc ?.................For me this just doesn't reconcile, whatever way you present the 'figures'. So personally,I wouldn't like to see a man who is indirect and 'political' regards answering difficult questions, has a tendency to defend the board and whose judgement of the same has been shown to be very poor over a long and vital period. If there is to be a fansboard, then it is my contention that at this moment in our history we would be better served by the Billy Patersons of this world and those who follow such a line (investigative but fair sceptics) even if not all were quite at the 'level' of BP. I'll end there and get back to the more immediate and important issues facing the club. There seems to be another convicted fraudster confirmed graphically to be involved with the Dsyfunctional Lying Circus......but then we knew he was in conversations with Green&Co over 2 years ago. I wonder what Deloittes make of it ?
  4. I don't look for favours, nor am I up for election. Nor do I know after a fair while spent on FF, which are 'ghost accounts' on FF as you seem to. You are right in that I do see the fansboard as a sham but it does seem to be happening and I would prefer that Alan Harris wasn't elected for personal reasons previously detailed in thie thread that go beyond what is contained in the FF thread. This isn't about me though, so you can drop the stuff directed towards me. You'll note that I didn't post in the FF thread, unless perhaps you know of "ghost accounts" I have, that I am unaware of.
  5. http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2014/02/19/hong-kong-grants-request-bank-century-asset-recovery.html
  6. Between them, they must have had 'a few coins stuffed in the sofa' over the years. I'm afraid this is what Rangers is all about now and if we can't find a way to get them out the door, the club will continue to fade away on a diet of empty spin and onerous contracts.
  7. That is your opinion and you are welcome to it. I will say that if you stand for an election, you can't pick and choose the information that may come out. Nor was the thread linked originated with this election in mind, as it was from 2 years ago. [unreasonable comment Edited by Frankie]
  8. Perhaps they need to hire Jack Irvine to get them 'up to the levels' of the Easdales.
  9. As I said, a long thread.............. that contained varied material that I consider relevant to the candidates suitability. If you disagree, fine. [unreasonable comment Edited by Frankie]
  10. I think you'll find in what is a long thread that there are posters with "inside knowledge" as you call it. There are many others without whose opinion isn't based on direct knowledge but I've already said that there is subjective opinion within content. If people are able and choose to read the thread, they can decide for themselves. Just as those that can vote, can decide who they want to vote for. One thing I would say is that there may be a natural inclination amongst some to champion a candidate from Gersnet. I can understand why this may be but that it is not reason enough to stop the flow of relevant information on a candidate. If it were of an irrelevant nature then I wouldn't have posted the link. [unreasonable comments Edited by Frankie]
  11. When you put yourself forward for election then it is legitimate for any relevant background info that there may be out there to be put forward. The opinions, some not kind, can be disregarded as subjective. [unreasonable comment Edited by Frankie]
  12. A thread with some background and opinion to one of the candidates (Mr.Harris) has been 'bumped' from a couple of years ago on FF. For anyone interested, the link can be found on FF. [Edited by Frankie to remove direct link]
  13. The last correction was regards the annoucement re 'Open Offer'. http://rangers.g3dhosting.com/regulatory_news_article/387 Coincidently it was the only annoucement of the last couple of months to have the name of Paul Tyrell beside that of GW.
  14. Over a long period 'supposed corporate goverence', wordplay, incompetence and bullshit at RIFC have interacted and produced a pea-souper of a fog that you are supposed to get tired of trying to work-out. Instead they propose you vote for plastic engagement and continue or return to handing over the Blue Pound. And that was before today. I'm simply not sure of the situation re.Ahmad and will have to presume that funds are arrested or that his right to so do is still in place until told otherwise.
  15. Be careful of what may be wrapped up as "really good news". Some of what was perceived at the time to be 'RGN' turned out to be worse than bad.
  16. Easterly, pre November 1989, a wall on his right, the Stasi on his left and a glint of light to the front at the end of a tunnel. :seal:
  17. Par for the course then. These past few years have thrown up twists, turns, curveballs, bullshit so blatant it was accepted, a media devoid of investigative competence, long-running investigations that some of us may outlive, etc., etc........... If fully told in book form, it's first reviews may read...... .......the most strange, far-fetched and contrived corporate tale I've ever heard.............but it was actually allowed to happen (in a G7 country).
  18. Call me ignorant of procedure but perhaps they should have used the alloted court-time from Friday and today to just hear the actual case and be done with it.
  19. buster.

    Buy Rangers

    I can understand and share the frustration. My post was about recognizing the main root cause for why we are so polarised. I didn't take your post as an 'anti-anything' comment tbh and have no allegiences to any fans group other than general support for what the SoS have done.
  20. buster.

    Buy Rangers

    Whether it could be or not is a question but for me you have to go wayback to the root of the division for the answer that might begin to shine a light on why we are presently where we are, regards 'polarised division'.
  21. Sorry to be a pest but why ?........price / shifting deckchairs ??
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