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Everything posted by buster.

  1. Echoing what Richard Wilson said or vice versa. If they want to, the club will have third parties undermine McCoist. It's how they operate.
  2. He probably was working on at least the general theme, (eg. Llambias/austerity/plans for football operation/other). This may have had something to do with why matters have come to a head.
  3. keith jackson‏@tedermeatballs This Ally McCoist situation is as clear as mud. Suspect there is plenty more to it than meets the eye.. keith jackson @tedermeatballs · Was working on this story until midnight last night. There was too much misinformation to be certain of the truth. Not much has changed. https://twitter.com/tedermeatballs
  4. Durrant was caretaker manager between PLG and WS. We went 3-0 down to Dunfermline (A) in the Cup, the game finished 3-2.
  5. They can't change his contract without agreement from McCoist/McCormick or complying with terms.
  6. At no point since May 2011 has anything been remotely 'normal' at Rangers. This (AMcC as manager) will probably be over sooner, rather than later. Would like to know what has happened to bring matters to a sudden head this morning
  7. Call them up for all you want but don't lose sight of where our real problems ly,............. within our own club.
  8. That doesn't sound right to me but I'm not looking at lists so I'm not saying you are wrong either. There have historically been obvious reasons why Rangers won't bring through or play as many youngsters as many provincial teams. I was pointing towards a general lack of professionalism at the club over decades allied to not being blessed with an exceptional manager who could recognise the need for change and was strong enough to do it. Part of this was down to the general Scottish/UK attitude to various aspects of the profession. This has always been a big bugbear of mine. To see Dundee Utd reach a EC semi-final after watching Aberdeen win the ECWC was frustrating for Bears watching 9 poor European campaigns for every decent one.
  9. Went onto better things at Carnoustie Panmure. Anyone ever get to know the nymphomaniac Vicar's daughter in Carnoustie back in the 80's ?
  10. No, but they have a long and proven track record in youth development. IMO Telfer did the right thing for his career, now it's up to him to show he's good enough. We got a reasonable fee out of it but the sad but inevitable aspect to this, is the shambolic state of the football operation that made Telfer's decision a 'no-brainer'.
  11. I don't get the nitpicking regards Dundee Utd and youth development. Over a number of decades Dundee Utd have brought through more decent players than any other team in Scotland. Since 1965, they are one of two Scottish teams to win the League title (outwith OF) and they did so with mainly players they had developed. With the same players, they also got closer to a European Cup Final than I've seen Rangers manage to do in 40+years. They had some excellent European runs at that time, beating Barca H&A, reaching a UEFA Cup Final and generally punching above their weight due to a well run club with good , effective management. The sad aspect to this is looking at our own situation and indeed past where we have failed to reach our potential due to having a 'wee outlook' for a big club. We missed out on having an exceptional manager who would have grabbed the club and shaken it out of a relative unprofessional slumber.
  12. Very good !! 'Harrisment' seems to inevitably lead to change
  13. Updated regards why it was changed. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/rangers-forced-u-turn-charlie-telfer-4778953
  14. Statement 1 from Rangers RANGERS has received today the decision of the SPFL Compensation Tribunal and are content with the fee Dundee United have been ordered to pay for the training and development of Charlie Telfer who was at the Club for a period of 10 years. The payment awarded, which was significantly higher than Dundee United’s final offer, vindicates the Club’s decision to take the matter to a Compensation Tribunal. Dundee United introduced a late argument stating Rangers should only be awarded compensation for the training and development of Charlie Telfer for 2 years instead of the 10 years that he was with the Club. They argued the Club in its current form has only existed for two years. It is disappointing Dundee United tried to pursue this tiresome, legally incorrect and provocative argument given that it has been repeatedly confirmed by the football authorities in Scotland and beyond that administration and liquidation of the companies that owned the Club did not break the continuity of the Club’s history or its record of honours won. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dundee Utd publicly say they didn't use new club argument ------------------------------------------------------------------ Rangers revise statement RANGERS has received today the decision of the SPFL Compensation Tribunal and are content with the fee Dundee United have been ordered to pay for the training and development of Charlie Telfer who was at the Club for a period of 10 years. The payment awarded, which was significantly higher than Dundee United’s final offer, vindicates the Club’s decision to take the matter to a Compensation Tribunal. http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/item/8235-club-statement -------------------------------- Almost reminds me of Charles Green trying to play the siege mentality card. Daniel Stewart used to f**k up their announcements and have to correct them through incompetence. In this case, it seems as though someone is lying.
  15. Had a listen to the 'Bearcast' and he certainly doesn't miss when talking about Shackleton/DS
  16. Regards the career of Lewis McLeod. He is a player (Strachan would seem to see it aswell) and looks like another fine midfielder to come through at Ibrox. Durrant, Ferguson (x2), Miller, Ness etc. have all came through and for various reasons haven't reached their full potential. You could argue Barry did, but I think he could have been even better. If McLeod wants to make the most out of his career then he has to keep developing and improving. The sad truth is that it won't be at Ibrox because we are a shambles of a football club. He needs to keep on playing first team football though and this should be a an important consideration for him when and if he thinks of a move. He also needs to go to a club that have good coaches and a record of improving players. This brings up an unpalatable thought. If we can't buy players, we don't have a particularly good youth development programme and we have to sell as soon as a player starts to demonstrate real ability then what other than mediocrity (at best) have we got in store ?......Second place and European Qualifier canonfodder is the realistic dream at present.
  17. The day Sir Duped sold the club was the day an inevitable and ruinous direction was embarked upon. Given circumstances and ongoing revelations, there was little realistic prospect of derailing a destructive but thirsty gravytrain in a controlled manner. It continues to roll on........... We are an abused corporate vehicle....................... and a football club in name only. Things have got to change.
  18. If you take a step backwards and attempt an objective analysis, it shows a pathetic tit for tat culture that only helps those interested, who look to take away ever more 'freedoms' for football supporters and society in general. Within todays enviroment, there is an argument for this response but todays enviroment is one f**ked up place.
  19. Whether administration or liquidation happens in the forseeable is obviously a huge issue. However, even if they are avoided.............we are going to see important levels of austerity throughout the club and not the necessary levels of investment to get the club back to a secure and reasonably functioning base. Keep your eye on the retail operation and the the money generated, although the readies may be difficult to get sight of. Ashely is able to 'dip into' the commercial at Newcastle, whilst running a tight ship because of the TV revenue. Despite having 50,000 home crowds on top of the TV money, they display little to no ambition as a football club, preferring a business plan that chooses mediocrity. At Ibrox that TV money doesn't exist and without it, I find it hard to fathom how we achieve mediocrity. In Scotland, consistently being second doesn't count for much.
  20. They really are that empty and bereft of any meaningful 'defence'. It really tells you all you need to know. It also points to the Toxic One defending retail/onerous Ashely contract whilst 'acting for Easdale'. Toxic serves in part to show us the root of the sp.iv/shark continuum.
  21. I think it has helped to highlight how poor the debate on this matter has been, both online and in the mainstream. Within it, the cream (your OL) has risen to the top. You took the time to put together a well constructed, detailed piece that conveyed your passion, retained objectivity and put accross a message that had more force than more direct and sometimes abusive posts ever will. I think it should serve as a lesson for many of us on social media. As with many things in life, thought is good, analysis is good, quality is good, objectivity is good. Mainstream journalists may like to take notice of that general message aswell. Quality, based on hard work would be appreciated. Richard Wilson stands out as the one who has the knowledge, analytical skills and ability to inform the public in words of what is going on. At the other end of the scale, Chris McLaughlin (CM) depends on his Toxic source at Mediahouse and willingly acts as a conduit of slanted spin when asked to do so. There are factual examples and sometimes the language employed betrays what seems a less than neutral emphasis. On yesterdays Sportsound podcast when the numbers (1.4M Sterling) were mentioned, CM talked of "getting rid of....", not to pay off but "to get rid". Small detail that passes by and you could say in tune with messageboard rhetoric BUT not language you'd expect from a 'senior BBC reporter'. (2mins 45secs/ see link below) On the same podcast, he also appears to contradict himself regards McCoists thoughts on how the board have reacted. (45 secs) Link to podcast http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/scotfoot First mention of Open Letter (4mins 40 secs)
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