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Everything posted by buster.

  1. Mark Warburton ‏@MarkWarburton9 4 minhace 4 minutos Both bemused and frustrated by shockingly incorrect stories from certain media outlets. I am going nowhere and no club has approached me
  2. Calscott For a club to see MW as a good fit and for them to get real on-going benefit, they must be prepared to allow him time and control to set-up and develop the football operation as he and his team want. If MW maintains his MO it reduces realistic/constructive options for him significantly in an increasingly impatient sector (in England). Moyes was/is similar in some respects. He became Everton manager at a time when generally more patience was shown with managers and over some years he established them as a top 6 club but his methods make him a difficult fit today. He did have a good relationship with the Everton owner which was very important and it's worth noting that the EPL today has many impatient foreign owners that want everything NOW or are desperate for short-term points to avoid the drop. If MW sees the project he has set out on at Rangers as achievable then I'd expect him to turn down any job offers like Fulham.
  3. I think MW was sold the Rangers job as a medium term project with further options. He will have seen the potential for growth, room for upwards trajectory, room for improvement within 'footballing operation' etc and with his old traders eyes, will have effectively seen a stock worth buying into and with potential for 'profit'. The way I see it, is the most important issue for MW is that he doesn't see significant 'barriers' being put up or arising that could impede on the success of the project. If he did, then just as when he was a trader, 'timing' is everything.
  4. You wonder if Mr.MASH may have already had arrangements in place with others that allowed him more say and at certain junctures, more control. --------------------------------------- He is power-hungry and uses it in a ruthless manner to get what he wants. It's often his financial wherewithall that he uses as he attempts to squeeze others into doing what he wants. Numerous examples of this can be found during his apparent time involved with Rangers.
  5. Mash Holdings Limited.............. 8.92% Alexander Easdale..................... 6.45% Together that may account for 15.38% Figures taken from numbers on official site 'investor centre' http://rangers.co.uk/club/investor-centre/share-information/
  6. The more important issue is ourselves, forget them. One of the very main reasons that Rangers haven't really realised their potential over the decades I've been supporting them is IMO the short-term fixation on beating Celtic to X, Y and Z. It was ironic that Sir Duped actually did something along the right lines (PLG) when he didn't have the cash to fully support it, nor the will to interevne in a timely manner to head off revolt.
  7. The timescale that Paul Murray put forward prior to the season starting was IMO reasonable. To say that we will challange for the title next season is heaping unreasonable expectation/pressure on a football operation that needs time to be built, that is if it is to be built with firm and constructive foundations. If we seriously want to challange for the title next season it would mean going down a route that may end up stunting the growth of a modern and self sustaining club. I'd prefer to grow more slowly, with the medium to long term in mind.
  8. If both Peterhead and Rangers see Hampden as the best option, Hampden/SFA would themselves benefit and the sponsers would no doubt welcome a higher profile venue................then surely Hampden it will be.
  9. Tabloid / Rangers v Celtic angle / 'contentious' observation / Cue clicks and debate Reality: Unknown
  10. The die was cast way before Feburary 2012.
  11. So if I can get you the alternative fats-o-fit I take it you'll be buying
  12. MW in good form. Didn't hear any hot air from Spiers.
  13. Pete, I apoligise for any offence taken.
  14. Sensible discussion is usually good. Criticism can be useful and constructive. I wouldn't have had 'a go' at Pete if IMO he had stayed within those boundaries, but I've said enough now and the line is drawn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a loosely connected footnote, I would mention that there are seperate efforts from 'usual suspects/agitators' at various levels that continue to do their thing. Including discrediting anyone perceived as being or having been a 'danger' to the interests of 'the other side' within our ongoing corporate struggle. That list of targets goes from individual supporters/fans groups up to the Chairman/PM etc. Hence the reason that I feel strongly that this type of issue is something where criticisms and darker suspicions should be clearly differentiated between and the latter should need reasonable grounds.
  15. If we take this as being correct then it's Ashley, as part of his general front, instructing 'SportsDirect.com Retail Limited and associated companies' to call in the loan. There was no specified repayment period for the first part of the facility but we don't know what other T&C's were attached and it must have allowed for the 5M to be called in. Again if it is correct, it would seem obvious that the timing was to embarrass and cause maximum problems for Rangers in and around the AGM and as part of the general corporate & litigatious attack on the club. I think the SFA and SPFL are limited in what they can do and that we should hope Newcastle get relegated, nearly as much as for us to get promoted.
  16. I only criticise Pete's post interpretation skills because they are the base to his pointing 'finger of suspicion', which is the real issue. I note you have done similar, but in your own style. Talking about Kenny Miller or any footballing matter is very different to pointing fingers of suspicion at fans group leaders. Let's draw a line under this. Criticism is ok but IMO groundless and dark unspecified suspicion shouldn't be.
  17. I mentioned that he was a moderator because for anyone reading, it gives more apparent weight to 'dark unspecified suspicions' than an ordinary poster, ie. "a poster on gersnet was saying............." against "a moderator on Gersnet was saying.............". I just think there should be a higher threshold for having grounds when pointing a 'dark suspicious finger' at someone. Especially when Pete didn't seem to be able to properly interpret what CH had said in his facebook post.
  18. There does seem to be a strange tendency for many amongst our support to want to harry, attack, suspect or whatever....any individual who becomes a known face, fan group leader and develops a media persona. I think many see CH as desiring and reveling in the 'limelight'. Some see him as a 'profiteer' (wrt social media: something started by agitators on RM who use the 'divisionary tactics). The 'limelight' comes with the territory and in my book, if individuals want to embrace that limelight and use it for furthering their Rangers related activities, their charitable or youth academy activities or indeed any commercial venture that might be of interest to many and might aid them in any previously mentioned ventures or help fill coffers that services rendered towards the interests of Rangers had emptied....then that is fine in my book. Frankie makes a lot of good points about CH and how he and his group were instrumental to focusing opposition to toxic regimes. Our memories are short and our analyitical prowess is often poor and easily manipulated.
  19. "Whatever the result, King and his men will still be left with the enormous problem of confronting Ashley who had them in thumb screws again last week when he demanded the return of a £5m crisis loan – money which changed hands in another one of those deals with Somers’ old board." --------------------- KJ seems to be saying that the reason this was addressed at the AGM was a strategically timed demand for repayment.
  20. But the grounds he puts forward are without real base and don't correspond to the weight of unspecified suspicion he seems to put forward. Fine if he doesn't want to buy the book or if he doesn't like CH and/or the things he does.......... but the dark finger of baseless, energetic, unspecified and general suspicion from a site 'super moderator' towards CH is out of order in my book (haven't yet written mine).
  21. Has CH shagged your Mrs ?
  22. What does that even mean ? If you are saying that this post from CH is a trailer for the book, designed to shift more copies and that the veracity of the information is dubious then again you are wll out of order, unless you have good grounds to believe the info untrue.
  23. If you read the OP carefully and can interpret it with a modicum of sense, then surely you can see and understand the background to this. CH visited and spoke to SE with a view of facilitating regime change. For this type of frank discussion to take place, it is natural SE would have asked for X & Y to remain off the record. It appears that CH agreed subject to the condition of SE not to be in the news wrt Rangers, once he had left the board. Journalists who hanker for exclusives to further their career have to sometimes agree to staying 'off the record' when conversing with X. It must be frustrating for them but they know if they go against their word that the future will be more difficult. You talk of giving away information that might hurt them. Firstly it was off the record (subject to at least one condition) and secondly they were leaving Ibrox and if in the future revealed, it wouldn't really hurt them in any significant way. This is very apparent given the reaction to this news has been muted. IMO you are well out of order on this thread because the grounds for 'suspicion' you point towards are without base.
  24. If there was a more substantial and hidden 'reward' regards the mentioned 'deal' or regards involvement at Rangers as a whole (and I stress the IF),....then I doubt very much if it would have been brought up in said conversation by the Easdales.
  25. Might be more in this than previous speculation given the bookies seem to be taking it seriously. http://www.oddschecker.com/football/football-specials/fulham/next-permanent-manager Now Fulham may or may not want MW but the more important question is does MW want Fulham. I would hope not.
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