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Everything posted by buster.

  1. If that is all they can have a 'wee go' for then fine !
  2. James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman Judge was particularly scathing that counsel for Sports Direct brought no evidence to court proving King made the statements reported Now was that down to a heavy and numerous legal team making mistakes or that there wasn't any evidence of sufficent weight to make a contempt charge stick. Could you reasonably expect that heavy and numerous legal team to realise the flaw in their bid to jail DK ? And if so, why did they continue with action ? And if the client insisted in such an action, is it not more than reasonable to ask SD to pay all costs and perhaps even ask for damages ?
  3. Grant Russell ‏@STVGrant Court will probably sit again at half 2 to briefly sort out future matter of injunction.
  4. Brings home the real injustices nearer to the root of all this. #LaughingLastWouldBGood
  5. On the face of it, you'd have thought there is 'room' for a counter attack with costs in mind. However, I don't know how these things work.
  6. A man known for preperation and planning, the Judge has been in contact with several double glazing companies asking for quotes. ...
  7. James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman Judge "I really wonder what the point of all this was, £400, 000 gone" That money as you know Mr.Judge, was partly the point. Make SD pay costs !!
  8. I'm hungry, Ian.....tell the judge to break for lunch.
  9. John James is asked for a quote and if he is going to set up a website offering legal predictions or if he is to remain in comedy.
  10. Grant Russell ‏@STVGrant Judge: King has pointed out correctly words attributed in article don't appear in interview. You have to persuade me journalist is accurate. Is that the journalist who couldn't pin down a bedridden and probably drugged up Charles Green ?
  11. James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman "you've made your bed and you have to lie in it" judge tells counsel for Sports Direct
  12. Judge has done his homework and pretty much knows what is going on here. What he can do I don't know, nor what he will do but as it stands, odds on DK eating Turkey at home are extremely short.
  13. I thought Ian was Mr. Ian Reuters ! ps. Both Ian and Grant are doing sterling work.
  14. You guys have the tweets on the website before they even show for me on the Grant Russell twitter page. #wilderness
  15. Judge knows exactly what is going on under the surface. Please make an example of these b*****ds for wasting your time.
  16. Grant Russell ‏@STVGrant Judge: What's the cost of this exercise so far? It's nigh on £400,000 for both sides isn't it? Nods from King and co. Is judge going to offer to call it a draw ?
  17. James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman Email from SD shown to court, denies ever communicating with "Phil Mcgivery"
  18. Ask the list of second rate relayers of spin. #PMGBetc
  19. Nearing the dangerous spell of pressure me thinks. Hold out !
  20. five minutes into second half and it's now 4-0.
  21. James Doleman ‏@jamesdoleman Court told confidentiality agreement was signed by former RIFC director Sandy Easedale Did they (who) really say that ?
  22. This is like being 3-0 up at HT. Mon the judge (so far)
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