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Everything posted by buster.

  1. They should include free soap with ST's. It would save them writing to ST holders about their unpleasent smell. Celtic write to fans reminding them to WASH after complaints about smelly supporters ruining games https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/celtic-write-fans-reminding-wash-6451792
  2. I don't know if Scottish football is ahead of the curve but it is certainly keeping up with it, at least in the way that supposed 'journalism' is used and abused to spin slants on the story of the day. Editorials or say, Jacksons opinion piece on a Monday are there to be used to offer opinion but what we have generally and Scottish football is well-up on this particular curve, is a 'news service' that tends to 'loaded'. Jackson is more 'spin-doctor' for hire than a journalist (currency tends to be information).
  3. Some of our first team look like they might struggle aswell.
  4. After well over an hour parked on the bahooky, a brisk walk for a kilometre or two might be quicker and certainly good for blood circulation. Just ask Santa for decent waterproofs
  5. We've been through most of the speculation in the last 20 hours or so,...might aswell wait and find out what the facts are, or at least what follows.
  6. The fact that he doesn't know or can't say would suggest PM isn't say a 'Kenny Miller type'. The 'courageous journalism' quote that gets used against PM is often done so, alongside a lack of considered appreciation or a lack of memory for what happened back in the day. Bottomline, until we know more of what is currently going-on, we are all firing blanks.
  7. It isn't a surprise that Jackson jumps on yesterdays resignations in time honoured fashion but he doesn't offer any real details as to the whys and what for. I don't think it a stretch to suggest that Paul Murray and Jackson were in frequent contact with each other during the spivs time at Ibrox. The DR/Jackson took what was really a commercial decision to go with the good guys side of the argument given that it had access to some of the details that were going on. Yes, the DR was on our side during most of that time and Jackson tends to stay loyal to those who provide him with information he can use and in this case, win awards with. At the sametime Jackson has gone heavily anti-Dave King and you can't say that action is without reason. Is the weight and constant barrage fair and reasonable, no, I don't think it is. It comes accross as a campaign that continues regardless of events. So, is the PM (and Barry Scott?) resignation something that reflects opposition to what Dave King is looking to push through ? Mibbes aw, mibbes naw. Personally, I think we have to be careful with Dave King and his methods. Not dismiss them or automatically shout at them, just be careful and vigilant. You'd hope that there are still those on the board that would be and that Club 1872 won't simply get caught up in any headlines about Gerrard.
  8. Don't know anything about it but from what I read it appeared as if it were saying the club. If that is true, then it wouldn't surprise me if some might like to take advantage and sow the seeds of 'confusion'.
  9. Lewis Hamilton wouldn't be a NED. If you are looking for a numbers man who has his hands, at least partly on the steering wheel and possibly with a navigator beside him, then it's Stewart Robertson who would be more relevant.
  10. I don't know enough about this to be able to say anything with any authority whatsoever but my uneducated understanding was along the same lines. How close to the wind DK is sailing, I'm not sure but it is DK, not Rangers.
  11. Not according to the report you provided a link to this morning. It has emerged that the Takeover Panel has been granted a court order which also forbids any attempt by Mr King's South African-based Laird Investments (Proprietary) Limited from making the mandatory offer to thousands of shareholders without a third party confirming that the funds to support it are there.
  12. Could be them not agreeing with the Gerrard appointment: They may not have agreed but I think they'd have came along for an 'exciting ride' Issues involving the Takeover Panel or not wanting involved in the stick that's flying around: If stick was a problem they'd have been long gone or not arrived. Personal issues: Both at the sametime,...doubtful Opening up for more NED appointments: Probable Clearing the deck for fresh investment: Possible Or.......: Almost certainly .
  13. Haud on tae yir hats, things appear to be moving.................. ???
  14. It was a decent run but quite apart from the levels of technical ability, there was and is an inherent fragility about this squad, the management team and the 'connection' between the two groups.
  15. Whoever comes in needs to be someone who has enough savvy to quickly weigh up that side of it and box clever. Don't get taken down rabbit holes or give them ammunition they crave to use at a later date. - Keep it simple and keep it about Rangers. - Show ambition but don't create unreasonable expectation. - Don't be confrontational unless it knocks at your door...and if it does, think before you speak (or re. the club, churn out a statement) I don't think our PR team as it is or for example, our chairman (for his own numerous OGs) are particularly good sources of advice.
  16. As for the football, we need a manager who can see for himself what is required and can communicate/motivate, optimaly prepared players to give it their best shot.
  17. Apart form when a team is going through the KO stages in the WC.
  18. Any new manager would be well advised not to mention celtic and gaps. Concentrate on improving Rangers. They shouldn't allow the media up here to drag him down to where they want a new manager to go. No cheap and easy platitudes about 55, high and immediate expectations. Hard and cold realism with a determination to improve and improve.
  19. Getting our fitness levels up several notches to what a top professional club should have would be a good start.
  20. For me, Gerrard or whoever it may be,..........has to build something, rather than try and collect a readymade team of veterens who breakdown for whatever reason. We should be ignoring the other half of the City for the next 12 months and be preparing to engage more seriously for the following season. That way, I think we'd have a better chance of stopping 10IAR. It wouldn't be an easy message to send but if Gerrard looks to build and lowers the immediate expectations, the support may just about manage to swallow it and who knows, we may get a pleasent surprise, probably with a few bumps along the way. Under promise Over deliver for a change
  21. If they start practising penalties two months ago, who knows, they might make the quarters.
  22. Player quality when it is at the level of Gerrard can indirectly have an effect when going into management. 1. the attention/profile it brings which can be converted into revenue. 2. the automatic respect that comes when the guy in front of you has reached the levels he has and the opportunity to drag our level of professionalism up, eg. fitness levels 3. the profile of the player who would consider joining Rangers. 4. the 'revolutionary aspect' that galvanises a support and ensures ST take-up. 5. the level of supporting staff should be better It provides a base from which Gerrard would then have to show he's up to it. If he is appointed, gets the backing (staff and finance) then he has every chance of improving things in the short-term and winning the league title in the medium term. I heard a 3 year contract mentioned. Whether there is anything in that or not, I don't know but I'd sign-up now, for him to win the League Championship in his last year.
  23. Why the F do we pay him what sounds like way over the odds ?
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