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Everything posted by buster.

  1. Thank's,.......... didn't hear that, thought he was to be in Glasgow today.
  2. I hope he isn't in France just now,....he's got some work to do elsewhere !!
  3. Real Madrid managers and winning the CL often means the end of the road. Zidane is the third RM manager whose last game in charge was winning the CL but the first to leave of his own volition. Previously Heyneckes and Del Bosque were sacked.
  4. Elche are now a 3rd tier side.
  5. If true. this is something we could do without. Another player under contract who makes it difficult to be considered. The investigation and it's findings better stand-up.
  6. Good to see that his agent seems to be the first to blink wrt the inevitable pay-off negotiations. On the quiet, I'd get a Private Investigator to confirm that the player is attending rehab.
  7. Tuesday France under 21s Wednesday: France under 20s
  8. If you believe an organisation set-up in such a way that doesn't treat you fairly then there is a need to get this out there for public consumption.
  9. Ayr Utd/McCall previously had Ross McCrorie on loan as well.
  10. There is a LONG way for us to travel to get back on an evenish keel regards the subject of the excellent article by Rick. The bottomline is that there is a mutual hatred between Rangers and Celtic but the latter have the culture (DNA), the know-how, the backing & co-ordination between various levels, the will & dedication, the contacts scattered far and wide and importantly....in the last few years they've had copious material to use in an effort to maximise damage on our club. It's basically been a game of shooty-in whilst we struggle at varioius levels, often fighting between ourselves. What's happened in the last year or so is that Celtic PLC seem to have decided to at least be seen to go down the route that some of their shareholders (resolution 12ers) desperately wanted. During this period, Lawwell has been putting his ducks in order regards the governing bodies. So now that the charges have been brought,....... Dave King has launched a long overdue counter-offensive. We'll have to hope that there is more to come and that it has sufficient substance to start making things change. The judgement on the two charges will I think be an important moment.
  11. They say timing is everything. This team have been together for a while and I think we-re seeing the beginning of a transition.
  12. If Goldson is genuinely rated in England and physically ok, he's out of our price range. If an EPL club are prepared to accept 3M, something isn't quite as 'advertised'.
  13. JohnMc, wasn't aware of that 'scam' but it makes perfect sense. Just surprised we weren't targetted given our propensity for throwing money away at the time.
  14. Dave King knew how they would reply. An SPFL spokesman had already said more or less the same thing (Daily Record tweet) prior to DK having a statement put out. It seems to be about making noise and building a picture/perception. I hope we aren't struggling wrt the charges and to a degree, depending on this line of counter-attack. A graphic would be handy of the SFA board and Celtic colours on those who are on their side.
  15. Thank's Frankie, I didn't recall that off hand. Even those supposedly looking to challenge the SFA and it's governance, like SFM (Rangers Football Monitor) seem to ignore it. Funny that
  16. Apart from ability, the common trait amongst those who seem to excell is humility, the vision to see that absolute professional dedication is required, ambition to get further and not think they've made it because they get to first base and the drive to actually do it. The enviroment that is created by the staff has to be right and when I think back to our teams like the successful early 90's, it was all very well going with drink together, win together but what kind of example does that set to the youth players, not to mention the fact that we did very little in Europe, except for 92-93.
  17. Anyone know where in Andalucia we are going ?
  18. If there is quality there will be a pathway, eg. Ross McCrorie. It takes a special youngster to be able to handle all aspects of a step-up to the demands of the Rangers first-team and stay there. That's why over the years there are countless stories of promising youngsters that come to nothing or leave and have a career elsewhere. ie. First and foremost, we need to produce quality .
  19. If they want 3M for Goldson, make it 2M (+ 1M when he's played XX amount of games)
  20. Of course (wasn't thinking)......... but then perhaps their rivals might be more interested Calling Mr Devlin...........
  21. When Keith Jackson 'gets the hump' with an individual/whatever, he tends to conduct an ongoing campaign without any interest in any balance. Equally, if he decides the sun shines out of the bahooky of someone (or is a source of information), there follows positive coverage without balance. Sometimes there is good reason behind the general theme, eg. he gave the spivs a hardtime because he got the info to do so. The spivs (or Irvine for them) would argue that the coverage wasn't balanced and technically he'd probably be right..... but in this case you could argue with IMO good reason, that the balance did exist if you looked at the media as a whole. Gordon Strachan, Scott Brown, Kenny Miller and others can't do any wrong in the eyes of KJ. Pedro got a hardtime from the get-go and the Kenny Miller/positive coverage/new contract,.... had a part to play in that. He had his sources and he knew from prior to the Progress match that it wasn't going to work. The SFA tended to get a really hardtime from Jackson, I'm not sure if that has changed with the new broom but if it did, it would tell a story. Would he bring up the Private Eye clipping on Murdoch McLennan?
  22. For that proposeal in the article above, Don Agnelli might aswell be an online messageboard poster making a suggestion for CL reconstruction, he'd have the same chance of success.
  23. I'd challenge the Daily Record to run with what was said in that Private Eye clipping in the above post and ask the SPFL/Shifty to comment on it. Those with twitter accounts could put it out there.
  24. ".....In a statement released to Record Sport yesterday an SPFL spokesman said: “Murdoch informed the SPFL Board in advance of taking up a board position with Independent News & Media Group of Ireland. This followed him stepping down from his role as deputy chairman of the Telegraph Media Group. There is no conflict of interest between Murdoch’s role with INM and his role with the SPFL............” -------------------- ForlanS has already posted this but it's worth another airing........."Shifty McGifty" Did he take a libel action against Private Eye and if not, why not ? Lots of other clipping about Shifty https://www.google.es/search?q=murdoch+maclennan+private+eye&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj2077MparbAhUBkBQKHXgxDskQ_AUICigB&biw=1164&bih=774#imgrc=-rNksJLSDDcB5M:
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