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Everything posted by buster.

  1. Trust the Russkies to go on the vodka the day I tip them for a win
  2. The only way that it makes sense is that he's been laid down the challenge to get a first team place and score top tier goals at Livingston and if he can then an X year contract would be offered. But lets say he's successful in the first six months, then we may not be the only club wanting to offer a contract. I think you had to give him a 2 year extension if you rate him and cut him loose, if not. There may be a want to secure a return but as it stands we're probably going to be subsidizing a Livingston players wages who may make the first team or not (but won't be able to play against us). Is there a development fee payable if he were to go on a Bosman ? Another outside angle is that Kenny Miller is said to be about to take over as player/manager. Does he play himself and Hardie ? Will he take into consideration the Hardie loan wrt other matters ?
  3. No big deal, it's most probably down to 'the source' who has provided imperfect info. The positive is the scan seems to have gone ok but after observing optimistic public pronoucements on our players injuries over the years, I'll wait to see what happens rather than take it as read.
  4. Not really getting the logic behind his one year extension and one season loan.
  5. It wasn't a scheduled scan. ------------------------------------------------ STEVEN GERRARD is confident Graham Dorrans won’t face another lengthy spell on the sidelines following a scan on a knee knock.............Dorrans returned home on Thursday to undergo tests after feeling discomfort whilst being put through in paes on the continent. Full article and info http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/sport/rangers/16310619.Rangers_boss_Steven_Gerrard_confirms_Graham_Dorrans__39__knee_injury_is_not_serious_after_scan/?ref=twtrec
  6. IIRC it was reported when the charges were made public that tomorrow would be a 'Principal Hearing'.
  7. I'm going to make myself available as experienced back-up at competitive rates
  8. IIRC the protocol allows for a change in the set-up, to have one dominant senior legal figure to take charge of pocedings. I'd have thought that this would be the route they'd take for what isn't a normal sitting.
  9. Has anyone told SG that to panic most Scottish players on the ball into an error, you only have to let them have it.
  10. I'm on them aswell but don't yet fully trust them. Low doesn't know his best line-up and more importantly hasn't got a reliable source of goals. I'd give the lad Brandt a start.
  11. The debate will be should you keep playing a winning team or rotate. Kane, as captain and potential top scorer at the WC will be bending his managers ear for it to be the former. The puzzle is that if Japan beat Poland in the earlier games, I'd imagine neither team will fancy topping the group.
  12. Strange to see zee Germans featuring as the main jokers ......
  13. Squads may prove to be important in this game as the option to rotate presents itself.
  14. You are taking this to a place where you are losing me..... "gegenpressing"... I'll look forward to seeing what comes and leave it to the tactical students as to the science.
  15. Anyone hear anything about what is happening tomorrow ? eg. Is it going to be a 3 man panel or is there going to be a senior legal figure in charge ?
  16. I've often listened to the likes of Off the Ball to keep an ear on what is being said and occasionally sent in e-mails that often featured, looking to balance any discussion. However, it's become like getting teeth pulled, repetitive and predictable with the strange decision to award Cosgrove and Cowan an additional slot on the same day. These days any e-mails sent are ignored as it eems I'm blacklisted. Prior to the second evening slot going to them, it was Kenny MacIntryre and guests with an often controversial hour on the burning issues of the day. Wrt output, at least it was different.
  17. What he did say in a short interview clip last week was that the emphasis will be on attack (not surprising given make-up of our league and our place in that) and with SG coming from a fit, high-tempo press Liverpool....I think that will be the general approach. I think the first leg of the Euro qualifier at Ibrox will probably be an example of that and dependent of that result, the second leg may see what we'll call a 'plan B'. Domestically, it'll be interesting to see how we approach the first game up in Aberdeen.
  18. You might find both would prefer second spot if the top spot meant Columbia in the next round and second, Japan.
  19. Uruguay 0 - 1 Russia Saudi Arabia 0 - 1 Egypt Spain 2 - 0 Morocco Iran 0 - 1 Portugal Denmark 1 - 2 France Australia 0 - 1 Peru Nigeria 1 - 2 Argentina Iceland 1 - 1 Croatia South Korea 0 - 3 Germany JOKER Mexico 2 - 1 Sweden Serbia 1 - 2 Brazil Switzerland 1 - 0 Costa Rica Japan 2 - 1 Poland Senegal 1 - 2 Colombia England 1 - 1 Belgium Panama 1 - 2 Tunisia
  20. Sorry, forgot to post the link https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/44592846
  21. Saw it on Frankies twitter feed and thought the very relevant R.O. tweet should be placed beside this article
  22. Political gestures for a 'third country' in goal celebrations might well end-up costing Switzerland dear. Looking at a possible 2 game ban.
  23. When the early first goal goes in you think, 4-0 might be on. Then the second so soon after and you start to think, good but with a concern that it not be enough, taking root. The third after 36mins and the doubt becomes probability. The fourth after 40 and you shake your head with a slightest of hopes that HT will change the course of the game and evreyone goes to sleep. The fifth on 45 and it's f**k !
  24. They could get to double figures if there is a will. Panama in the worst defensive at a WC for many a year. England haven't even played well, they've been clinical.
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