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Everything posted by buster.

  1. Me and my mate ( we must have been about 12) used to sit on the wall by the then bus-stop whilst the rest of the bus would be in the bar to the right of the railway station. The pub to the left of the station (30 yards away) was used by Celtic fans. When we arrived back, it'd be straight up Morrison street to the chippy !....happy days
  2. Best not to focus on one player. It's not rocket science, the team as a whole gets the win, loss or draw and the manager, who picks that team is responsible.
  3. The first bus I went on as a young schoolboy left Haymarket, Edinburgh at 12 noon and cost the grand sum of 50p for the return trip. It made the logistics of the trip easy for a young lad at an age where an independent trip to Glasgow was a grand adventure.
  4. 1. I'm not really considering others opinions, nothing I can do about them even if I wanted to, which I don't. 2. Well done Josh for tracking back ! 3. Who knows the SG&Co tactical plan yet,...covering that area in certain circumstances may be part of his new remit.
  5. In the context of the goal, it was a hopeful clearance that Tav and Candeias managed to make into something beautiful. I'd hope that workrate is a given for all players and that if they don't show it, SG will point to the door.
  6. Looks more like Tav who gets to the ball, Candeias then picks it up and plays a nice pass to a forward running Tav, who then picks a good ball to Murphy. Well done to both Tav & Candeias,...sorry, forgot about Murphy All right, Windass aswell
  7. It was a hopeful clearence up the line that Tav superbly managed to convert into an assist for a goal. Tav can be a top notch player on his day and I'm glad he seems to be staying at Ibrox.
  8. I mentioned in another thread that if this judgement was to go against us and have a significant impact on financial projections then you'd have to wonder what we were doing signing up to it. If it were to have an 'affordable' impact but get rid of the SDI ties for good, then it might well be worth it. If Justice Peter Smith is hearing the case, he might be inclined to interpret the case using at least some 'common sense'.
  9. The Ashely M.O. tends to use a lot of 'spanners' wherever possible. I think it's probably more important to him to frustrate our efforts at 'normalising' retail operations than it is for benefitiing SDI and it's bottomline. The vexatious nature that underlys the way SDI/Mr.MASH have conducted business with Rangers (including extremely one-sided contractual agreements) should IMO be taken into account at the upcoming trial.
  10. Six weeks or so later, they finally do it .........They back it up by referencing an assassination job in Private Eye magazine from last year where it was claimed when he worked at the Daily Record 30 years ago he often said he “cannae stand those b******s” when it came to Rangers........
  11. double..............
  12. A Trial at the 'end of July' was mentioned and will be the next step towards a judgement.
  13. The two celtic players apparently involved, OE and ON are 20 and 22 years old respectively according to soccerway.
  14. Anything in Europe is a bonus and unless there is a sudden vast improvement, we won't reach August qualifiers. The first realistic litmus test for me is the first four league games and at that point we'll have the squad finalised.
  15. I'd agree, although at this time its probably best that we don't make comparisons with Celtic. Realistically, I'd be hoping more that after the summer windo of 2019, we might be in a position to do so. .
  16. If we are short on gametime and the coaching isn't yet showing then why expect a big change with the same personnel ? The hope has to be that with more games and some fresh blood being introduced that we start to see a difference but that will depend on the quality of players brought in and how present squad members can start to play in a SG system. Will be interesting to see if Sadiq (if fit enough) plays in Macedonia, given it's a game where his style might suit.
  17. Should we have played a couple of more friendlies ? Did the coaching get through to the players ? Should we expect a big change when 5 of the 6 starters middle and front were from last season ? Is Sadiq available for the second leg ?
  18. Glenn Middleton was born on the first day of the 21st century. Makes me feel an auld git .
  19. Not that surprising.......... New improved defence Same players middle to front (bar Arfield who was subed) Improved when two new arrivals to first team come on.
  20. We are short in gametime and forwards. 2-0 is just about acceptable but still work to do next Tuesday.
  21. First Leg : ....CS Petrocub 1- 1 Osijek.....FT The Croats, Osijek on course for the second round. Notable result FK Qabala (Azerbaijan) 0 - 2 FC Progres Niedercorn
  22. First Leg / HT CS Petrocub 0 - 0 Osijek
  23. Not much cover for Morelos. I'd have been tempted to stick a young forward on the bench insead of Halliday.
  24. Only one other team were as short as us at 1/14 in the EL today, the Slovenians Rudar Velenje (me neither). They have 10 minutes left against Sn Marino minnows, Tre Fiori and lead 6-0. Edit, 84mins, 7 zip Progres just gone into a 0-1 lead at FK Qabala (Azerbaijan)
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