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Everything posted by buster.

  1. Now is when it'll start going Pete Tong
  2. Needed to happen IMO....he's better out of it. Said it when he was being mentioned for the job at Ibrox, those days are behind him. A few could keep it going well into their 60's but to do that in high pressured jobs with that level of public scrutiny is very difficult. Not an easy job at the moment in a transitional time.
  3. Going into the game on the 29th of December all the signs pointed to our squad running on empty but SG decided to gamble on the fitness of several players, partly down to the winter break allowing a window for recovery.... He galvanised the spirit and determination of the team and we beat them for the first time for a while. Unless Halliday has his leg hanging off, I think he'll play and I'm sure will have the right attitude for the game. As many have mentioned, the midfield is where the decisions are for SG&Co. My only two words on it are.........Play McCrorie
  4. Recent moves from the club to encourage and put out a more positive vibe on Alfredo to counter the avalanche of negative is a good idea
  5. How many dodgy ankles from Osijek does approximately 3M buy you ? Apparently two
  6. Madden is probably the best Scottish referee out there at the moment. That isn't to say he is brilliant, only that he's better than a poor lot. However, the game is about us turning up with the right game plan and attitude, not the ref.
  7. When it happens (of late there have been many instances) criticse and add it to the body of evidence. When it doesn't, ignore it or you provide material for detractors.
  8. He actually goes out of his way to state that he doesn't blame Rangers as the interviewer tries to pin him down in so doing. What he is saying is that the lack of a certain level of Scottish player at Rangers handicaps/limits choice for the National team manager. It's an old tired argument that has been brought out against both halves of the OF over the years when the National team is doing badly. It tends to make waves in the media but it's just low quality repetitive noise to help keep their respective shows on the road.
  9. TBF it's a Hibs fan and Easter Road that are being illustrated wrt topic of article
  10. Looking at this particular case (face value), I think the Polis must have been on the white powder.
  11. It seems to be that mind bending clusterfcuks are the order of the 21st century.
  12. That's the lad Diaz ahead of him in the International peckng order for attacking young pretenders. Well taken goal.
  13. To leave the right impression, those are opportunities he has to take.
  14. Could that be the US looking to bring freedom and democracy to Leeds ?
  15. Stewart Downing being speculated upon by some of the press, hopefully just BS. Neatly fits the profile of who not to go after. We ain't in April yet but is ze German Bear zinking about opening ze summer tranzfer thread yet ?
  16. Only national anthem I actually enjoy listening to is the French. Waltzing Matilda (Tom Waits version) is another but it's only the unofficial Australian NA.
  17. At this particular point in time, I'd say there is significantly more pressure on Rangers players than those at Chelsea when related to expectation/timescales. Required ability levels are something else and obviously you have to be a much better player to get into the Chelsea first team than Rangers.
  18. Andy Robertson is one and you can actually use him as an example of a player who triumphed only after getting ditched by Celtic. If you are good enough, with the right attitude and work ethic............ the opportunity is there.
  19. We'll get some context regards the result of Thursday when Russia play away to the Kazaks this afternoon. The bookies seem to be pitching the most probable scoreline in the Scotland game is a 0-4 away win. I reckon this is more or less where the general expectation lys. Anything more will be seen as a positive and anything less, a negative. I reckon 0-2 or 0-3 If Robertson and Fraser play then that is a major improvement on the line-up in Kazakhstan.
  20. Some see through lies better than others #gumption Bluedell/Daily Mail said that Scholes had concerns regards to possible interference in team matters prior to taking the job. In other words, there were sufficient reason that he wasn't sure he could trust the people involved. Ultimately he made a bad judgement call and has to take responsibility for that, ...It’s really that simple, Only a gullible fool goes through life believing everything he is told.
  21. TBF there is a huge amount of pressure on managers at Ibrox and it really needs exceptional ability and mental strength for a young man to break through and establish himself with Rangers. You think back to Barry Ferguson and the era he came through in and you have to take your hat off to the guy. I sometimes think we're going to end up having to go further backwards to eventually build a solid base to take us forward. The emphasis and work going into the youth set-up is encouraging and reflects well on those in charge of strategy but as you say we need to see it develop into the first team and that is for later.
  22. I thought the parent club paid loan players and then had a seperate agreement/contract with the club taking the player on loan. ??
  23. What she called a disease was a cult around British Nationalism that can be found at Ibrox on matchdays. I'd call it dehumanising and very offensive language aimed at a section of the Rangers support. She and the BBC would call it a strong opinion (amongst others) and get away with it. This type of language is often employed in the second half of gradual campaigns (drip, drip....) that seeks to marginalise an individual, group or people and basically prepare the ground for actions, legislation or other that would previously not have been seen as reasonable or allowed to happen. It seemed a manufactured account from the moment she said that she had to get away from Ibrox whenever there is a game on. Does she live close to Ibrox, does she habitually walk her dug down Edmiston Drive at 3pm, was she talking contrived Colin Nish ?
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