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buster. last won the day on March 21

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  1. Good away win, even if we rode our luck. Can't help but feel that it will be a different story come the WC tie.
  2. We are the last club who could attract those needed to bring that general concept into reality. They are onto plumbs if that is their plan.
  3. I remember getting home after a school trip, a week up at Loch Tay. To find out the news that Cooper had signed. I was elated, he was the type of player I wanted to join Rangers. My Dad had kept me the papers so I could read up on it. Can't believe it is 30 years since his passing. Nearly 8 years after he had signed for Rangers, instead of a school trip, I was on a NATO exercise as a marine. Hence, without news of what was going down in the world. The exercise finished and we eventually found out that a few days earlier, Cooper had scored the penalty that qualified Scotland for a WC play off and Jock Stein had died Great player ! Loved watching him play.
  4. "Shocking"...,give me a break. What is shocking is what is currently happening in tha Gaza strip. What a few football fans think of a hopelessly cryptic banner and a religious service, is largely IMO, an embarrassment.
  5. Anglo Scots Harvey Gough Robertson.A Hansen McQueen MacKay.D Bremner Souness Robertson.J Dalglish Law That midfield wins any and all battles that come their way.
  6. Try copying the correct flag before you waste time keeping an eye on it. It is a UAE flag that I can see, not a Palestinian flag (as per your emoji).
  7. Is that to raise finance for legal costs ?
  8. I wonder if Bill (old poster) made it down to partake.
  9. Thanks Bearger, but the article has nothing substantial or new despite it's length. This type of subject you judge from actions or at least quotes by those directly involved. We'll have to be patient.
  10. Why not start up a Gersnet crew. Maybe there is a veteran category for old timers/Queensbury rules.
  11. The club should say it was just a spoof. A collection of words randomly put together to on bedsheets that would provoke a debate to nowhere. What else could it be? What group of fans aren't bright enough to elaborate a message that no one knows the real meaning of ?
  12. A new management bounce with a stutter.
  13. There is a surprise 😂
  14. What about the 105,000 capacity stadium ?
  15. As well as a name dropper and a bragger, I am now charged with vanity (I thought that the song was about me). Suspend me for between 2 and 8 weeks
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