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  1. Ok ok.....STOP! Let's see what Pedro actually said... Now let's see McInnes' reply... https://stv.tv/sport/football/1388708-mcinnes-rangers-should-be-embarrassed-finishing-third/?utm_content=buffer851bf&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer Now properly judge the situation given both sides and give a little thought to the obvious media stirring that is evident.
  2. The Gers fans were brilliant yesterday...save this 'song'. It's an embarrassment. Needs binned.
  3. Well done Greg! A true Rangers fan who has taken unbelievable stick on certain forums and always dealt with it like a gentleman. I totally welcome this.
  4. If Greg Marshall gets elected...
  5. I'm sure that's true. In that case we're pretty much screwed. If our fans can't unite then we have to hope Pedro is a genius. People wonder why I hate....and I wonder myself too at times. We've countless manky bloggers out there hating on us every f*cking minute of the day, every f*cking hour, every f*cking day....HATING US and peddling bullshit. And why? As we're open to it....time and time and time again. I'm almost at the point where I throw my hands up and say we deserve it 'cause as a support we're fucking sh*te. No togetherness, no end goal...just a bunch of self-serving b*stards who can't get on 'cause we care more about ourselves than the club. We continually fight amongst ourselves. We actually don't deserve better...we're getting the useless f*cking slugs in charge we deserve. Together we could do so much but when they get 10 in a row....it's our own divides we should blame. I'm f*cking sick of the lot of ya and yer f*cking fans forums.
  6. Ok. I'm aware of your postings on the subject. I happen to think you're a fair-minded guy...where do we go? CH won the last vote by a landslide. He believes he's in the right. Very many agree with him. At the same time very many find him total poison. They will not work with him. So where does that leave us? Broken, divided, in-fighting as usual. One thing I totally agree upon, avoiding the CH issue, the remaining directors esp Alex Wilson are totally and utterly shambolic in their P.R. That said, someone either within or outside has to take a stand and honestly engage with members or else the whole thing is a joke. It already f*cking is. The saddest thing is, so many are just giving up in despair and the "I told you so's" seem content with being right. Can no-one f*cking stand up and say "We've f*cked this up....this is how we fix it?"
  7. It's a clusterf*ck. We moan about our team and board and yet we as fans cannot get it together. Put simply, it's coming down to pro-CH vs anti-CH right now. One only has to take at look at Rangers fansites, we've FF largely backing Craig and RM largely against him. There's enough 'tales' told on either side that you don't know what to believe. I've always trusted D'Art (Ian) as he's stuck to his principles yet I have Craig as a Facebook friend who's also stuck to his principles. I'd hoped the two could find common ground, instead it's come to this. There's so much spinning from either side together with mates of mates chipping their oars in as well as online mischief-makers, I genuinely don't know who to believe anymore. I just despair that Rangers fans can't get together on this.
  8. It's long gone beyond that. Three generations ago we saw it but ignored it. Two generations ago it bothered us but we did little. One generation ago we faced it but felt we could rise above it. This generation....we're paying for previous mistakes. That's the legacy our young have. I don't condone destroying toilets but I understand the frustration many young Gers have in 2016.
  9. The 'toilet scenario' was to deflect from the banners. They did a good job of it - it was on the beeb in minutes.
  10. Agreed. Totally. His runs into the box have been.............non existent.
  11. You know what gives me the fear? The thing that makes it beyond football? It's the hands tied behind the backs thing. That's genuinely creepy.
  12. We need pace...and if a player is a young, cocky so and so with a bit of ability then that's a bonus. Windass and Forrester to play every game for me.
  13. Great statement and I, for one, back him to the hilt. To think where we were this time last year....compared to now. Warburton of course deserves most of the plaudits but who put him there? Well done Dave King.
  14. That's my POTY.
  15. Hi Craig, You've avoided my reply that dents your argument a bit and instead focused on another. Could you address my point? Thank you.
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