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Everything posted by WATP_Greg

  1. RF sail past 11,000 - superb progress
  2. RF % Voting So far: To Remove Somers: 99.1% To Remove Easdale: 98.8% To Remove Llambias: 97.8% To Remove Leach: 98.5% To Appoint King: 98.1% To Appoint Murray: 96.1% To Appoint Gilligan: 98.1% Pretty resounding.
  3. "Dear Blue Noses It was a pleasure representing you all for the last 6 months of RFBs existence. Due to what happened at the meeting and the publication of the meeting minutes on this forum without the permission of the RIFC Board will now inevitably result in the sacking of the RFB members and dissolution of the Fans Board. This would not dampen our desire and motivation to get our club back from the clutches of the mafia who have blackened our name for the past 3 years. We will get back where we belong, we will become the Top team in the country, because We Are The Rangers. Signing off. Dr. ZIA ISLAM. PS: To all those fellow Rangers on this forum and other, who have doubted our sincerity, in the current cirmstances we would have done the same, it is natural to get suspicious of everyone when you are trying to save something so precious to you. Take care. See you at the EGM."
  4. 4 Forums that I know of now. Pretty good going. A couple of my mates who aren't exactly flush have signed up tonight too - I think its going properly mainstream.
  5. I don't blame the RST for FF's stance and I think its worth pointing out. Obviously a few RST members agree with the stance and some of the malicious rumours are pathetic and frankly beneath the support but that's not the RSTs fault. They and RF have been entirely cordial to each other publicly and I don't think its false - Whats good for Rangers is good for us all.
  6. I agree RF should put out the vote ASAP - Maybe some issues with the volume of signups and ensuring that all membears are sent a vote. But I don't think it is in doubt how the fans will vote. Look at the polls on here and from my own part we put out a poll on Twitter which was 150:1 in favour of King over the incumbent board (once opposition team fans were discounted).
  7. Collectively? RF 1.4%, RST 1.25%, VB 0.3% (irc) and that is without the proxies. Fans had over 10% as individual small shareholders too.
  8. To be fair The RST and RF both have one member one vote systems so its a bit unfair to claim you know the RST vote before its been announced but dismissing the vote of RF as unclear. So your criticism of asking for proxies should fall equally on both orgs or as IMO on neither as I think its very clear how the fans will be voting. I asked Ricki Neil yesterday when the emails for the votes are coming out and he said later this week.
  9. RANGERS FIRST have increased their shareholding at Ibrox ahead of the make-or-break Light Blues General Meeting. The fan ownership group have seen support steadily increase in the last few weeks as thousands of new members have signed up. After making another share purchase in recent days, they now own 1.4% of Rangers International Football Club plc and hold 1.14million shares in the company. Alongside the Rangers Supporters Trust, which operate the BuyRangers scheme, RF are poised to vote against the under-fire board at the GM on March 4. Former Ibrox director Dave King, Paul Murray and John Gilligan are seeking to overthrow the Gers hierarchy and were bullish about their chances of success when they addressed the media in Glasgow last week. And nine-in-a-row legend Richard Gough, who is an RF member, is eager for the fans to play their part in ousting the beleaguered board. He said: "I congratulate everyone at Rangers First for reaching this impressive total in such a short space of time. Every vote will count at the forthcoming General Meeting and I urge all supporters and shareholders to back fan ownership groups and vote for Dave King." Gough joined former team-mate John Brown and Gordon Smith, the former Ibrox striker and Director of Football, in Glasgow yesterday to meet supporters before the Scottish Cup clash with Raith Rovers. After years of turmoil off the park, the Light Blue legions hope the end is in sight for the current regime, who have come under huge pressure in recent months. Brown has been an outspoken critic of the board for several years and has issued another rallying call to the rank and file ahead of the crunch shareholder showdown in London next month. Bomber said: "Rangers fans around the world want their club back and Rangers First deserve great credit for buying so many shares in recent months. This 1.4% stake will be crucial at next month's General Meeting and I am sure all fans will continue to back Rangers First." The King alliance require a majority of the votes cast at the GM to take their seats at the Ibrox top table and force out chairman David Somers, chief executive Derek Llambias, Barry Leach and James Easdale. The shares held by supporters are likely to prove crucial if the King plan is to succeed and thousands of fans have signed up to play their part. There was a sea of empty seats for the Raith tie yesterday as fans continue to vote with their feet and stay away in protest at the Ibrox hierarchy. The battle against the board has brought large sections of the fanbase together and Smith hopes they will continue to unite in their numbers. He said: "The last three years have been difficult for all supporters but Rangers First have shown there is a genuine appetite for fan ownership and this 1.4% stake in the club gives them an important voice. "I have no doubt their numbers will continue to grow beyond the 7,500 members they already have and they can have a big say in the running of their club in the future." Great to see! Bit by bit we are getting there.
  10. http://www.rangersfirst.org/egm-update-important/ Rangers First – latest update: The keenly awaited EGM is to be held in a hotel in London on the 4th of March. Rangers First spokesman said this afternoon, ” The board of Rangers FC and the NOMAD WH Ireland appear to have set this up to make voting as awkward as possible especially for the small share holders, many of who are Rangers Fans. Rangers First are pleased to announce that we will have a number of drop in centres available for people who need help in completing voting forms or if they would like to proxy their shares to Rangers First. We will be delighted to help any shareholders be they Rangers First members or not as it is important that as many votes are cast in this process as possible, you can also email shares@rangersfirst.com for info” Drop in centres will be available in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirlingshire & North West England with other venues to be announced. If any member is struggling to attend then we will do our best to arrange a home visit. This is a critical vote for the future of our club and we encourage everyone to find a way to exercise their vote.”
  11. RF are having an open meeting this Sunday at The Louden Tavern at 11am with Richard Gough and John Brown confirmed to attend
  12. Another small milestone on the way to being the largest FO vehicle in Britain - @RangersFirst have more members than the average attendances this season of @MotherwellFC @OfficialKillie @St_Johnstone_FC @saintmirrenfc Please join up at http://www.rangersfirst.org - and if RF isn't your thing please join RST's Buy Rangers or look to invest through one of the other FO movements such as VB's. Please do something.
  13. Even if it is - I don't see the positive for the board. More people are joining RF as a result of this which in turn will mean that more shares are likely to be used against them at the egm. Strange move if you want a distraction - its like they are trying to mobilise the support
  14. Also the largest group at the moment with over 6000+ Membears. Added to the upsurge that RST has seen since RF came into existence it has been a massively positive movement.
  15. King also endorsed what RF are doing himself so definitely agree. Its up to us
  16. I'm not sure mate - think that will be made clear when the egm is confirmed.
  17. Not sure - have heard over 400 Club 1872 membearships. But some will have been traded for shares (700 IPO shares for a Life Membearship) and others have taken up to £100 per month for 5 months.
  18. Rangers First Passes 5700 contributors Sign up if you can at http://www.rangersfirst.org
  19. We are very proud to receive our Certificate for our Club 1872 life membearship in Rangers First. We have been given the great honour of having Membearship number 1 in recognition of Rangers First having its origins in The Louden Tavern: Ibrox Stadium. We fully support Rangers First and all it is trying to achieve with helping The Rangers Family. We would encourage anyone who hasn’t joined its 5600+ contributors to consider doing so – please look at http://www.rangersfirst.org – Now is the time to make a difference Club 1872 Certificates are in the process of being sent out we believe so should be with people soon.
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