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Everything posted by compo

  1. Can't wait for the first game of the season to see who we sign .
  2. He was a decent type and good luck to him
  3. As long as their money doesn’t come from any criminal activity and the same applies to all clubs then no one has the right to tell clubs how to run their business so what if a rich family member who owns some company decides to pay way over the odds that’s fair by me maybe it’s just a British thing we love to build people up then seem to get some kind of perverse enjoyment in bringing them down well I think the English authorities are on a loser in this case .
  4. His brother wasn't to bad either
  5. Few could cross a ball like wee Tommy
  6. The SFA are asking the clubs to double the salaries of all its board members, do you think they’re worth it after all these are the people who run football in Scotland but a 50% rise is a bit steep.
  7. ‘Twas a sad day when he left Goodison
  8. Madrid don’t lose many finals
  9. Couldn’t be any more soulless than it is at present it’s without soul without vision without heart without direction without defenders and i bet not much in the biscuit tin either. 😂😉
  10. I see Red Bull have taken a stake in Leeds United I wonder if they might try and take over Red Bull Leeds
  11. Hope when he gets to Saudi finds some billionaire shiekh who fancies buying a football club ..
  12. We have to let go this obsession with referees what we should be concentrating on is putting together eleven footballers with heart and skill to win matches by a margin that won’t matter if a referee gets it wrong . This referee stuff is becoming a standard excuse for failure on our teams part .
  13. When does this transfer window open for anyway
  14. compo

    New kit

    Like the badge on the front
  15. The only good thing we ever did against the jerries was when big Gemmell kicked one of them up the arse bishop Brennan style
  16. Looks like Scotland will be playing the Germans in the opening game
  17. the only way I can see the club survive and get back to winning ways is to find a mega rich buyer , we're just treading water.
  18. I was reading that Southampton and Leicester are interested in Butland
  19. Everyone thinks Tavernier and Goldson are off to Saudi let’s hope they do and we get something decent for them but on the other hand if they see out their contracts we will be paying a lot of money each week to two over the hill players not good business
  20. Eric Caldow and Orzan exchange pendants before the game this was 1961 and our highest attendance that season was against Motherwell 90,000
  21. John Francome navigating another horse over safely one of the best
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