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Everything posted by compo

  1. Might be nice instead of all these silly rules like financial fair play and the rest of it that when a club appoints a manager say on a three year deal then he should be allowed to serve his three years might give some of them time to build a team.
  2. Better with a bit of stability surely
  3. So Mr Ten Hag stays as manager the correct move in my eyes but I'm surprised at so called contenders for the job saying the wages as manager and transfer budget didn't meat their expectations maybe that's the trouble some managers are getting to well paid
  4. At the end of the day it’s all going to depend on how much money we can conjure up to help the manager buy decent players
  5. This young man had an excellent career with some top clubs but became an even better manager Mr Carlo Ancelotti
  6. Always good to beat the Jerries
  7. Germany 3-0 Scotland Hungary1-2 Switzerland Spain2-0 Croatia Italy3- 0 Albania Poland1-0 Holland Slovenia0- 2 Denmark Serbia0- 2 England Romania2-0 Ukraine Belgium3-0SlovakiaJoker Austria1-3 France Turkey1-1 Georgia Portugal3-1 Czechia
  8. Now there was a footballer I wish him best wishes and a speedy recovery
  9. If it generates money then you can bring in pope Francie to conduct mass money's ,money .
  10. It’s not the big tree that’s for sure
  11. I love this forum for everyone’s views on the tactics part of the game lots of interesting comments on it it’s tip-top . But I’d love to see some wingers in the Henderson and Jinky mold in our game
  12. Eddie Turnball would in my mind have been a good example of a half back who could tussle in and around his own penalty box then break upfield to play the killer pass or be involved in a killer one-two with a team mate but i watch lots of these modern boys and to me it looks like they are all reading a different recipe .
  13. Been reading this mornings paper and it's big story is this Taylor Swift concert no doubt Murrayfield will be getting well paid for this so why aren't our financial wizzos not into this little earner we've done it before looks to me like easy money
  14. Did anyone see the female walking race where the Spanish girl was celebrating her third place and bronze medal got to busy showboating and the Ukrainian girl overtook her serves her bloody right i say but it's about time these walking races were scrapped if you watch them no one adheres to the rules
  15. It’s not difficult at all it’s these football experts that make it sound difficult and these modern coaches who’s main football tactical knowledge comes from a blinking manual
  16. All we need to sign are half backs who can take a pass from their defenders at the half way line then play the ball into space for his team mate who should have the sense to be running into and his job is easier all he has to do is return same ball to his half back who will have moved in or around the box to thump it home it's quite a simple task ,
  17. If this is going to be the standard of football at the European championships then i might give it a miss even England were bad last night as well
  18. A pretty poor show not a bad crowd at Hampden though for a Friday night
  19. Now that's a racing car
  20. You would think so but it was on last nights sports report on the STV.
  21. I seen MrMulraney on television last night saying he was hoping to tie up Steve Clarke beyond the next World Cup qualifiers if I were Clarke I’d get it signed quickly.
  22. rumour rumour rumour given that the transfer window doesn't open until the 14th then we can buy and sell so just sick back and enjoy the Euros the tennis the golf and the olympics and some wee visits to the horse racing .
  23. When I'm back on my feet I will find out
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