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Everything posted by compo

  1. better buying the post at least that's got oor wullie
  2. any fans remember jim steele who we took on loan now there was a lad who could tackle
  3. bring in the polis
  4. brazil could not have picked an easier group .
  5. in my opinion he has no chance of being voted on to any ibrox board .
  6. compo

    The Sinbin

    what happens when the goalie gets a yellow card
  7. Ashley is out to make money not friends
  8. as an old fan I just want my grandchildren to have the same years of enjoyment as I had following the rangers
  9. point 8 why should non executive directors get any extra payments if the club are in Europe ponit 3 why should a member of a directors family not be rewarded if they are employed by the rangers and bringing in much needed income point 2 most of the fans cant even agree between e each other and I cant see any of them bringing anything to the club and no I am not related to a director just a lifelong fan who wants the best for the club
  10. short and sweet but I don't like points 8 , 3 , 2
  11. pity we could not birch the little fool
  12. this is the one department we must get right
  13. I wish it was December the 20th
  14. find the idiot and jail him
  15. sounds just like the houses he builds pathetic
  16. Ally will run with the hare and bark with the hounds .
  17. close their horrid ground
  18. Talk and meetings wont achive a thing the fans only way to try and influence anything is by not buying season books or re-newing their books and staying away from the remaining game this season
  19. At the end of the day ally is just another number
  20. the head spins I am to old for all this
  21. compo

    Help needed

    there is also a bit titled the keane loan facility where they got a loan of one million pounds from a person called edmund keane to buy player repayable exactly one year after getting the loan and repaid in full probably all legal but then I don't understand most of it
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