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Everything posted by compo

  1. A great player
  2. I miss the rangers news lets bring it back .
  3. well at least they are all on talking terms for the time being .
  4. i wish the young man well
  5. i does not matter the opposition they still have to be beaten and our win ratio is excellent
  6. someone explain to an older man what does he me pay as they play ?????????
  7. If king ia as well off as i am told why does he not make an offer for a contoliing number of shares it might even cost him less than the 20m he says he will pledge .
  8. i am sure your good lady is a charming person as is mine who for the past week has made me tea and soup to help me recover from illness , mind you thats the first time in 43 years
  9. people have to watch their ps & qs and stay within the law even people up and down the land who have broken laws have rights .
  10. yhe leaflet mentions mysterious shareholders thats fine so could someone help me out and tell me the names of all involved with the union of fans just to see if i know any of them or heard of them
  11. if they want 20,000 tickets make them pay for them up front
  12. he's off hire contract terminated
  13. i wonder who the next messiah will be if king turns his back we are running out of saviours
  14. compo

    Derek McInnes

    Would Mcinnes want to come to ibrox at Aberdeen he has a steady boardroom backing him no one can say our board is steady .
  15. and this is it will the board sanction the release of funds to the present management team at the end of the season to buy more players just who at ibrox is in charge of bringing players to the club who are our talent spotters its worrying for an old fan as some of the present squad are just not up to the job in hand .
  16. get him back to leverndale
  17. someone on weekend leave from leverndale made an erse of that so i did
  18. never mind them does king have the money to get control at ibrox
  19. one of the main things in football management is to get and keep the press on your side the press can be of use in management if you know how to handle them .
  20. the opening shots in their attempt to join another league ??????????????
  21. Mcoll does not have to be in control let them do the same as the wee bunnet did bring in men to jobs they are good at and also have a love for the club .
  22. one of the best defenders i have ever seen .
  23. If you want somethig bad enough then you might have to pay a wee bit more than its worth , so why does dave king not join forces with mcoll and the others who wanted control and put an offer on the table to buy the whole club lock stock and barrel . i do believe the bit about chuck green i think he is stiil very influential in whats happening at the club .
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