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Everything posted by compo

  1. Arsenal still top Brentford and Burnley got good wins and how it was only one goal to the magpies is beyond me , but the main result was an excellent one goal victory for my beloved toffees 🇮🇱
  2. Nonsense we like that long before he came , give the man a chance pull your horns in lad have a drink of coffee.
  3. Up front we are poor at the back we are poor in the middle we are soft another draw could be on the cards there is a lovely 5/1 for the draw.
  4. Maybe we should also move on the board members who allowed Beale to spend with great carelessness
  5. They aren’t any decent deals in the January window anyway I doubt if we could afford a decent footballer can’t see any rush to buy our players so in my opinion they’re is little money under the bed so the manager might get bold and at least give some youngsters a chance to see what they can do . And maybe time to ditch that Tina Turner song along with that tone deaf drummer into the nearest bin .
  6. You can only piss with the cock you’ve got is what your saying mind you they’re are plenty of dicks in our squad at the moment
  7. If we are going to appoint a director of football then I hope they ask the manager for his recommendation after all they have to work together
  8. Forty trophies Jock won at Ibrox including the club’s first treble thief present lot will never accumulate that amount between them in their lifetime I suppose it’s a mark how far our club’s fallen
  9. They need to get on the training ground and set down some kind of system a way of playing because last night nothing was joined up only the young Irish lad looked like he could play football and we can’t blame the manager he’s been handed someone else’s squad.
  10. Causey by a country mile the only person in a blue shirt prepared to play an attacking game of football as for the rest goalie excluded they should be reporting to Govan job centre to look for a job .
  11. Apart from the goal how many shots did we put on target
  12. Why not those fans have paid good money to attend on a cold damp night expecting to watch their team entertain them and it was an all round diabolical performance I’ve seen better players than that lot booed off the park .
  13. Well the manager's picked his team let's hope they go out and play well. Mon the Gers
  14. Plenty of goals last night I watched united first the two giants of the past Inter and Benifica
  15. I’m looking forward to this final one way or the other it’s going to be fun . mon the gers.
  16. Was taking a look at the new Everton stadium and they’ve put in plenty of places for the wheelchair fans it’s going to be a grand stadium. mon the toffees 🇮🇱
  17. I had a wonderful hospitality night at firhill they treated us in an exemplary fashion a wonderful night and we won
  18. He’s signed a deal I wish him all the very best if I were his manager I would play him from the start in say the next dozen games he’ll gain experience and confidence by starting not being thrown on when it’s going tits up .
  19. Maybe his bhoys were using it to watch the Harry Wraggs
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