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Everything posted by compo

  1. You'll get it on Rangers television sit back and enjoy it .
  2. Why don’t we at certain away games were tickets are in short supply let the fans come to that new building next to the stadium first come first served £5 a pint plus the singing of the old songs you’d make a fortune
  3. It’s not drumming it’s more an assault on your ears
  4. He looks like one of those filthy characters that hangs about in the public toilets anyway stuff him it's up to us to go to the national stadium and win the league cup then we can all have a jolly good gloat .
  5. Good you won’t go blind then 😂
  6. I don’t think he takes up his job until January let’s hope he has a few names in his diary
  7. Going by some of the ranting you’d have thought we lost
  8. Again another weekend of strange refereeing decisions
  9. McCausland I like the lads enthusiasm and the fact he’s prepared to take on men
  10. We're not a big club financially so we have to get a tune out of what we've got we can't just go spending a few million pounds because it's not there
  11. Maybe it's just me but I think we are far to slow and if I'm honest we just don't look as fit as we should be
  12. A grand game between City and Spurs
  13. Two goals three points if we could do that every week we would be champions
  14. This is the point that we should be giving a young player some game time but there's none on the bench, criminal
  15. We're in front be thankful for a decent save from the goalkeeper even worse is the two females either side of McCann chase those two .
  16. I was kind of hoping that Roofe if available might have started up front but if he’s injured again then it’s time to just call him in and give him his P45 .
  17. We will never know what the boys can do if they’re sitting on a bench get two goals ahead and at least bring one on you won’t win a raffle if you don’t buy a ticket.
  18. Decent draw should sail through Germans are crap Hungary haven't had a team since Puskas last played and Switzerland are just banker's Mon the Jocks 😄
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