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Posts posted by compo

  1. anyone who knows that district could tell you that all the land fron London road right down the banks of the clyde as far as rutherglen is rotten with contamination this is a well know fact its due to all the ittle engineering factories that were based in the area we or anyone else don't need geotechnical reports to what I have known for years the main toxic poison is chromium the council have known that for the past forty years

  2. There is no way any player should take any kind of a pay cut our club has more so called financial guru's than you can shake a stick at in the past few days we have had to watch the penny a share boys cash in and get rich its about time the board earned their huge wages and got deals done to bring in much needed revenue the way things are going the day we sell either ibrox or murray park cant be far off then the club will be locked into a lease scheme paying rent that we don't have .

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